Friday 6 February 2015

Ugh! Can't Post!

Hello everybody! Well, as you can see from the title, I can't post! :s 
Here's what happened.... I went onto my laptop one day and I logged in (as usual) it said "Welcome" so I thought "Yay! Now I can play my games and post my Make-A-Milkshake procedure!" Until it happened.... My whole screen went black and all I could see was my cursor, I immediately shut down my laptop and tried again, but when I logged in, it still went to a black screen... I looked up on my phone "How to fix a black screen on a laptop", it said "First turn off the laptop, unplug it, take out the battery, dust it off, and put it back into the laptop" so I did! Until I noticed it was a complete hoax and all it did was turn my screen into black, red, and green. I got so ticked off at that person because it was fake instructions (EVERYTHING YOU SEE ONLINE ISN'T ALWAYS REAL, KIDS!)  this happened to me before and I took my laptop to a computer shop to fix my screen, I then had a 1 year warranty on my laptop if anything happened to my screen again. I guess I download something that had a bug and it messed up my computer, I don't know. So, I guess over the weekend I'm going to have my laptop in the shop for the weekend. If there's any free time during school, I'll try my best to post. I do have another computer at my house but my dad has to do work on it and my mom can't go to City Council meeting because of her Chiari (A rare brain disorder) so she goes onto the computer to look at what she missed and the surveys that she needs to do, and when that's ALL done... My brother goes onto the computer... He refuses to get off the computer and it turns into a yelling fit and my dad yelling "YOU BOTH NEED TO STOP YELLING OR I'LL THROUGH YOU BOTH OUTSIDE IN YOUR UNDERWEAR" so I just give up and try to go onto the blog on my old phone... Whenever I try to go onto the blog, it takes 5 minutes and then it closes down the website and goes to home screen. (Well golly-gee, thanks a lot phone!) My brother has his own computer that he can hook up to his TV, but he says "I don't have enough room!" or "I'm going to wait until I move out!" Ugh!!!!! He makes me so mad sometimes! That's beside the point, the point is that I can't post on the blog until I either get my laptop fixed or I have free time in school.... Well, that's my story of why I can't post! Sorry it's so long. Okie dokie! Thanks for reading! Buh-bye! :D
~Jewel :D

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