Friday 6 February 2015

Today, I'm feeling very upset!

Today, I'm feeling very upset! Yesterday I started to have a fever. After a while, I barely even moved. It's not that I couldn't, but everything hurt. I stayed up till 9:00 (21:00) watching Friends with my dad, (although, I could have passed out at 8:00 or 20:00). Then, when I went to bed, I imideitly fell asleep. When I woke up, it was dark out, so I assumed it was 6:00. When I check the time, it was 11:44 pm! I only slept for an hour and a half! After that, I kept waking up. This is what my sleep schedule looked like.
9:00 pm.
11:44 pm.
1:00 am.
3:00 am.
6:00 am.
It was the worst. After that, I was dehydrated and had chest pain. Not to mention a terrible cough! As soon as my fever started to get better, my mom said that she thought that I might be getting a cold. Plus, I'm missing report card day. My parents won't get to see my report card until next Thursday! I hope this cold gets better soon



  1. you'll get better don't worry smile :)

  2. Aw that sucks. Get better soon though because Kingfishers on Monday!

  3. Aw dang sounds painful😬 hope you get better soon best luck😊

  4. Oh my :( I hope you feel better Keira! Try to drink some tea or eat some soup and you might feel a little better! ^.^ Hopefully you'll be healthy enough to come to Kingfisher with us so we can share the experience with you! Just relax a bit and don't worry about school, if you're not feeling the greatest, school's the least of your concern :s If you want, you are able to go on Math Prodigy! Just get some rest for the day, tomorrow's Saturday and you'll be able to sit back and watch Friends with your dad! :) Feel better soon!

    1. Thanks Jewel! That's a really positive comment. I've had two cups of tea today, so I think I'll be better soon! Have a nice weekend!

  5. I feel really sad for you Keira because you will miss Kingfisher . ;( P.S. think positive thoughts and i hope you feel better.

  6. i actually had the same affects when that happened to me but that dident slow me down i had bad headaches my legs barley d move but i kept moving and it went away eventually

    1. Yeah. I would try to be a bit more active, but ever time I stand up I get really light headed.

  7. don't worry keira you'll get better soon:( just keep thinking puppies, rainbows, and daleks:D

  8. Well there is still time to get better before Kingfisher.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. that sucks hope you feel better soon hopefully you feel better so you can come to kingfisher on Monday :)

  11. Thanks for all the encouraging comment guys! Have a great weekend!

  12. hope you get better. Kingfisher's right around the corner. Oh and by the way, I like your stories and I hope I can become a good as writer as you.
