Sunday 8 February 2015

Back In Time: Part 3

                                     Chapter 3
Debbie and I were staring into each other's eyes with fright, yet with confusion.
"Amber... Is this... Suppose to be a sick joke?! Come on! Get real!" She was yelling at me as if I set a house on fire, what's here problem? I'm her best friend! How couldn't she believe me?!
"Debbie, this isn't a joke! Look! Check on your phone! Come on! Believe me!" I grab here phone, turn it on, and show it to her.
"11:36 Am December 31st, Friday. Now do you believe me?! Debbie? Deb-Debbie?" I look into her eyes as her pupils became smaller, and smaller, and smaller. Her whole body became stiff, like a stone, I could see the confusion pierce her face.
"Amber... What's happening?" She asks in a light voice.
"I don't know, Debbie... Somehow we went back in time. Let's call your Dad and ask him if he knows anything." We dial Debbie's dad's phone number. I look at Debbie and I could see here arms shaking, I guess I should try to calm her down? Or should I let her calm herself down...? I guess I will.
"Debbie, no need to worry, it's going to be ok!" I guess that was my best calming her down... I hand the phone over to Debbie, but she doesn't pick it up. Come on! Talk to your dad, Deb!" I think she's too much in shock...
"Hello? Mr. Connors? Yes, this is Amber. Yes, Debbie's right here, but se doesn't feel like talking right now. Oh, yes, she's okay, her throat just hurts. Yes, I have a question, what day is it today? It's December 31st? I as just making sure, ok, thank you Mr. Connors! Ok, be safe at work! Ok, buh-bye." My voice becomes shaky as my hands freeze, what's happening? I turn to Debbie, she's still shocked? How do I get her out of shock? Hm... Ahah! I give her a quick slap on the cheek.
"Ouch! You know, that hurts?!" She yells at me.
"Sorry, Debbie! You were kind of... Frozen!" I explain to her, hopefully it didn't hurt her badly! At least I can talk to her instead of a statue!
"Ok, did you hear what your dad said?"
"Yes... I did." She answers me as she rubs her red cheek. Eh, it's just a little red!
"Ok... Let's go get Drake see if he remembers anything." Debbie and I walk don stairs and see dumb Lane giving Drake a smooch on the cheek. Anger fills up in my face and Debbie's.
"Lane, get the heck out of my house or I'll make you go home bald!" Debbie scream as Lane. Maybe I should do something? Ok, I'll do something...
"Aww, poor little baby needs a nap, go upstairs and play with your dolls or something you dork." She gives Drake another kiss, but this time on the lips... Ok, that's the last straw! RELEASE THE DRAGON!!!! I jump on Lane's back and start pulling on her hair.
"Ouch! Get her off of me!!!" Lane yells. I then jump onto the floor and flip Lane over. As she lies on her back on the floor, I see rage in her face. She jumps up and dusts herself off.
"Don't ever call her a dork again and how about you go home and redo you're makeup! I think you got a little something all around... There. It's a lil' messed up." I point all around her face. "Oh, wait, it's just your face." Now that I think about it, I do kind of feel bad... Eh, a little ice cream will ease the guilt. Just before Lane leaves, she spits on my shoes and jacket, and walks out.
"That little..." I mumble under my breath, I went to get my shoes, then Drake stops me. We stare at each other in silence, then Drake takes my hand and high-fives it. Wait... I just got into a fight with his girlfriend... And he's happy?
"Amber, that was awesome! got ticked off when she called my sister a dork and treated her like she was 4 years old!" He let out a smile an I did too, Drake picked up my shoes and put them in the wash.
"Oh, thanks!" I thanked him and let out a big smile. 12 hours 22 minutes passed, no party was happening and I decided to sleepover for the night. Just as Debbie and I were falling asleep in our one piece PJs, we heard foot steps exiting the house, we knew it wasn't Drake because he went to his friend's house an hour ago, and Debbie's dad was still at work. There were two figures in the front yard. I shook Debbie and we ran downstairs. A golden vase was gone, Debbie's mom's necklaces were missing, Mr. Connors wedding ring was missing, he always takes it off so he won't lose it at work, Debbie's jewelry box was missing, Debbie's college money was missing, and Drake's wallet wasn't on the coffee table.
"Debbie! I thought you locked the doors!" I yelled.
"I did! Someone must have already been inside or picked the locks!" Her breathing had become heavy and loud. Oh man! What do we do?! Debbie called the police, it had been 12:38 Am when we finished explaining what happened, no surprise, we had to call Mr. Connors and again... He yelled at us while holding back tears.
"How could you two be so irresponsible?!" Silence filled the room. After 2 minutes, he gave us both a huge hug.
"I'm so happy you both are safe..." He whispered in our ears. I felt tears drip down my back. A few moments after the heart filled hug, I started crying and Debbie did too, I guess we were crying because Mr. Connors was, or the thought of Debbie and I injured was so frightening. Debbie and I fell asleep with the window closed and locked.
"Goodnight, Deb." I whispered.
"G'night, Amber." She whispered back in a light tone voice. Debbie and I fell asleep with the window closed and locked. We both woke up at 10: 36 Am. Instead of us wearing our one piece PJs, somehow we were in shorts and a t-shirt... I checked my phone to see if I had any messages on my phone from my dad. What the... December 31st... 2017.
"Debbie! Something's wrong!" Debbie looked at me in concern.
"What? What's wro-" Before she could finish, we smelt something delicious cooking. We ran downstairs and saw someone who we've seen before. Debbie's face turned from concern to surprised.
Ok, first thing's first, I just threw fighting into the book for action! Don't fight, it's not the greatest idea... Second of all, I hope you enjoyed this chapter, Chloe informed me about how the colours made it hard to read, so thanks, Chloe! I will not be writing tomorrow, Tuesday, but maybe a few hours after 3:00 Pm on Wednesday. Leave a comment, please! Ok! Thanks for reading! Like always, I will make more chapters! Okie dokie! Buh-bye! :D
~Jewel :D


  1. Wow. That just happened. This is totally like the movie groundhog day. I like it! ;)
