Saturday 7 February 2015

The Strangest Day (part three) By Sylvia

Mrs. Roans looked quite glum at the time. The expression on her face as she looked into my eyes was hurtful. I felt bad for her. Then she spoke.
" The reason we're being evicted is because we don't have the money to keep this school running." She said.
" We're low on staff, we're crazy broke, and I just don't think it's worth it to even try to keep this place running. I mean, what good would it do for us anyways."
Mrs. Roans did have a point. Our little school was very broke, and the teachers themselves would have to go back and forth being lunch supervisors. It was sad. I was sad.

I was in the halls of the empty school on my way to my locker at 2nd period. I only saw a couple students go past me, and the didn't even bother to acknowledge me. I then saw my best friend, Drew. She almost missed me too but I caught her eye.
" Hey."
I spoke up
" Oh hey."
She had said
" Did you hear about the-
Before I could finish my thought, Drew interrupted me.
" Yeah."
She said.
" So... how do you feel about it?"
I purposed a question to make things less awkward.
" Not so hot." I was just beginning to get used to this place too. It just seems wrong."
Said Drew. I have to say I agreed with what she said.
" That's what I was thinking."
I said.
" Well, I should go. I gotta get to class.
She said.
" Yeah me t-"
I was cut off again when we heard a loud sound from what sounded like it was coming from the back doors. Drew and I both looked at each other in confusion.
" We sould..."
I said.
Drew then said.
We ran down the main hall and through to the back doors and looked around outside. What we saw was like nothing I had ever seen before.

To be continued......


  1. It's a cool part of the story, but one part doesn't really make sense to me..." Not so hot." I was just beginning to get used to this place too. It just seems wrong." Where's the beginning of the sentence after "Not so hot" ? Is it suppose to be after "I was just beginning to get used to this place"? Other than that, it's amazing! What did they see??? Big cliff hanger! I'm sitting on the edge of my seat! ^.^ :)

    1. Yeah I have to agree with Jewel (about both the weird quotations and the suspense)
