Monday 27 April 2015

I Will Find You. Part 4. By:Keira

  I wake up on the cold, hard, wooden floor, drenched in sweat. Another scary dream. Another nightmare. Another part of my everyday life. All I can hear is her screams. Mom's screams. Amy's screams. Dad's screams. The last looks, before disappearing; forever. Every dream is so different. The sad, lonely ones where she says goodbye, and then leaves me. The scary ones where I'm seeing her being taken away, and then killed. The ones where I'm searching for her, but she's not there. Every time I sleep, a nightmare about my mom fights it's way into my head. Every night...
  The sun has faded from the sky, and the fresh moonlight shines down on me. It's... Beautiful. Who cares if I'm safe inside my house. I'm just going to end up dying of starvation in two weeks. I have to-to-to; to get out of here! I mean, even if I survive this physically by no dying, I would have died as a person. I mean-um-like-no-not like, as-wait-um-yeah. Sure. Let's go with that. The energy of a thousand bolts of lightning shoot through my body, making feel like a-a-a-um, oh who cares, I'm not an author. I cannot stop fidgeting. I run to grab my backpack and my coat. Then, I try to fight the next moment that my body attempts to make. I  fidget as i attempt to grab a knife and, drag it through the sloppily sewn curtains. No. I try to fight back. I open the doors to my balcony. No. I yell at myself, using all the will power I have possible, but I keep going. NO! I stand up on the railing of my balcony, reluctantly, expecting certain death, I jump.


To Be Continued....

1 comment:

  1. Okay. So this one is really weird... I assure you, everything is okay. I will explain it all later. Please tell me how I did. Sorry it was so short. See you guys tomorrow! Bye.
