Saturday 2 May 2015

Tragedy- Part One

Six, seventeen, fourteen, thirty nine, one. Six, seventeen, fourteen, thirty nine, one.
I would tell you what those numbers mean, but I don't know. A list? Maybe. A code? Who knows.
At this stage in my life, you would assume I would know what they mean. After all, it was my grandfathers dying wish for me to figure that out.
But I can't. It is not physically or mentally possible for me to do. What purpose could those numbers have even? Six, seventeen, fourteen, thirty nine, one. All pointless to me, but not to my grandfather,
He discovered those numbers when he was 28. He got an anonymous call and those numbers were repeated over, and over, and over again. He thought nothing of it, then the next day those numbers were spray painted on his car in blood red. He thought it was just teenagers playing a joke on him, but those numbers kept on appearing everywhere. For 42 years. Unknown radio signals, fax papers, emails, but then the dreams came.
He began having night terrors. Faceless men repeating "The numbers are important. Figure them out. Hurry up, Paul. Hurry up."
That's what drove my grandfather to insanity. He would come over to my house at random hours and scold me for not knowing what the numbers meant. "Why haven't you found them, Drew? Why haven't you found them?! This is your fault! Now figure them out!" He would yell
 I was so scared. Wouldn't you be if a crazy old man was at your front door at 2:00 in the morning?
My parents then found out what was happening and got the police on his case. They got a search warrant and found in his basement the numbers written all over the walls. They took him to a mental hospital where 3 months later he committed suicide. Jumped out a window. The doctors said he would have died anyways from depression, anxiety, and overall just from the state he was in.
It's been one year now since that happened, and I want to find out what those numbers mean. I, Drew Madison, want to for fill my grandfathers dying wish. Where should I start? Well, the answer to that is fairly obvious.
His basement.


  1. I hope you guys like this! I was watching Lost and I thought that having just a book or tv series about "cursed" numbers would be a good idea, so that's what I did. I'm going to try and post at least one to two parts a day, since we have a laptop now and it will be easier to type than on my iPad. Feel free to leave your thoughts and comments below!

  2. Wow Chloe! This is really good!

    1. Thanks :) I can't wait until the Brad rap goes up lol

    2. Oh yeah! We should work on that tomorrow! ;)

  3. I love the start! I also was hooked on Lost and see it's influence. Great work Chloe!

  4. I love the start! I also was hooked on Lost and see it's influence. Great work Chloe!
