Friday 6 March 2015

The Life of a Gymnast: By Sylvia

One word. Effort. To be a gymnast, you have to really want to be one. You can't slack off, you can sit down or rest all that often, Being a gymnast requires focus, strength, power, and most of all, dedication. I've dedicated a part of me to the sport and it can't be taken back. There's always pain involved in the sport. One day my wrists might hurt, or my ankles will hurt, but you have to put up with pain. That's what I mean by dedication. It takes many years to get good at gymnastics but it all depends on how hard you work for it. I've been in gymnastics for roughly six months and I'll be going into pre-competitive classes during the fall. It all depends on how much you want to be a gymnast.It requires lots of conditioning. Push-ups, suicides, rope, sit-ups and a lot more. I think the hardest part about gymnastics is the flexibility because its really painful sometimes. Just adapting to it takes a long time along with everything else. The scariest skill in gymnastics is the back tuck ( no handed back flip.) It is really terrifying because I on my neck once and I just couldn't seem to stick it. One day I will.....

To be continued....  

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