Friday 27 March 2015

The Inevitable situation. Part One. By:Keira.

  5, 4, 3, 2, 1, liftoff. The airplane shoots into the sky. I stare at the window at the shrinking town. It looks exactly like those little, detailed model towns. I guess I should introduce myself. My name is Wyatt Collins. I'm 23 years old and I graduated from university already. I'm currently working as an aerospace engineer. I have to preform engineering duties in designing, constructing, and testing things like aircrafts and spacecrafts. It requires a lot of Leadership and critical decision making. I was born in Thunder Bay, Canada. I'm Moving to Toronto for work. Now to describe myself. I have short, brown hair and light, peachy skin. I  also have dark blue eyes. I tend to wear rock band tee-shirts, like Pearl Jam and Greenday. I also wear a lot of black jeans. I've always been smart, kind, and curious.
  So, now you know me. What next? Hmm. Well, the kid sitting behind me is repetitively kicking my seat, for starters. Thud, thud, thud, thud. I mean, I know that kids do this sort of thing, but, it's just... Annoying. That's all. It's a lot noisier on a plane when you're flying on a plane alone. I hear so many voices. All sorts of accents. Some voices almost sound... Well, robotic. Whatever. It's a lonely flight. Not an enjoyable 2 hours.
  My flight lands with a rumble. I love flying in the summer. Clear sky's and sunshine for the whole flight. Ha. That sounded so cheesy. Sorry, just. Whatever. After I get all my luggage and wait in line for a cab. The ride to the apartment is quiet. Which is okay. I've never really been a social person. I mean, I've had friends and all, but, you know.
  I get to my new apartment. It's depressing. Dark shadows are cast over the shattered buildings. The road is as moist as a rain forest the minute after the storm ends. A cold, sharp, unforgiving wind slaps me in the face. Litter lies on the ground, occasionally being blown away by wind.  Shattered windows, chipped walls. It's depressing. I tip the cab driver and walk to my sad, little apartment.
  The inside of my apartment isn't much better. The walls are gray, and the wall paper is chipping away. The floor is gray cement, and the room is rather small. There are only three small rooms in this place, and one of the rooms is a compound of the kitchen, living room, and dining room. It smells like cement and car exhaust. A train Passes by every hour, every day. This place is really sad.
  Two days after I arrive I go to work,(I needed the two days to get settled in.) It's pretty good, for the most part. I do my usual roles. But on my third day of work, something changes. I'm just doing my regular jobs, when all of the sudden, I hear it.
  A terrified, high pitched scream. I swear, it is the most horrible thing that I have ever heard.

1 comment:

  1. Suspense! I wonder who the new character is going to be
