Wednesday 25 March 2015

My Sunroom?

This is my favourite room. My sunroom. The warm sun shines in during the winter months making you forget about the cold outside. I read with Sam sitting beside me on the couch, losing ourselves in the world of Harry Potter. It's like Dementors hover around the room, looking to suck the pleasure out of life. The sun makes me feel sleepy and I want to take a nap, but I know Sam won't go for that! Suddenly, Sam yells, "Dad, a deer!" I sit up and take a look through the wall of windows facing the yard, and sure enough a large 12 pointer is staring at us from a few meters away. He was probably attracted by the bird seed, but now he is spooked and blows a warning snort which mists the cold outside air. Then he bounds off through the trees, having seen enough. As Sam continues to stare out the window, I notice the Star Wars Lego mini-figures that he has set up in an epic battle across the dark hardwood floor. The peaceful, relaxing sun-room has become a playroom where battles are won and lost with Star Wars figures that rarely resemble their true selves. Yoda is half Darth Vader, Mace Windu has a pilots helmet on, and many clone troopers are part droid. "Dad, are you going to read more?", Sam asks, pulling me out of my reverie. As I return to the world of wizards I wonder when this is going to be my room again.


  1. Good descriptive writing Mr.Purdon. I like the fact that your son was playing Star Wars Lego.'May the force be with you!' :)
