Thursday, 22 January 2015

The Plane Trip. (fiction story)

Hello. My name is Paul. Things weren't going very well today. I thought I needed a vacation, so I booked a flight to Vancouver. I got on the plane and, well, this is where my story begins. I found a seat next to a man who was on his IPad. I put all my luggage under my seat and sat down. About 20 minutes later, an announcement came on. "we are now taking off. please remained seated and have a safe flight." said the captain. I was very exited that we took off but things got hectic later on. It was 7:30pm. My seat wasn't very comfy and there was a  baby crying somewhere behind me. The server came out with a cart with coffee and snacks. I was starving. There was a lot of talking on the plane and I was bored. The man sitting beside me was playing Pac Man on his IPad. I thought about what I was going to do when I got to Vancouver. First I was going to get a room at the luxury hotel and then I was going to Going to go have a meal at a restaurant. In the middle of thinking of what I was going to do next, I felt my legs burning. I suddenly realized that the server had spilled hot coffee on my lap. "I am so sorry" said the lady. "let me get a cloth to clean you up." she said. "It's okay. I'm sure it was an accident." I said. The server ran into the back of the plane and disappeared behind some curtains. I was angry enough but then this happened. A bag full of stuff just up above me fell from the rack and landed straight on my head. I was in pain and I had a headache now. I looked at the guy beside me because I wanted to give him a piece of my mind but he was asleep. I didn't wake him up because it wasn't his fault. A few seconds later, the server returned with a wet cloth. "here, take this." she said. I wiped myself up and gave the cloth back. "thank you," I said. What made this trip even more worse is that somebody was kicking my seat behind me. You may think this is bad, but wait until night comes. It as 11:42pm. I was exhausted from todays experience. I was about to drift off when somebody's phone rang. He picked it up and talked for 15 minutes. I tried going to sleep again but the man beside me was snoring. I tried ignoring him but he was too loud. I suddenly remembered that I had packed some earmuffs in my pack. I put them on. I fell asleep. I was awoken by somebody kicking my seat. He kept doing it for a few minutes but I knew I couldn't take it anymore. I looked at him with a mean eye and he stopped. I FINALLY fell asleep but I ended up only getting 3 hours of sleep. In the morning, I had toast for breakfast. I could hardly keep my eyes open. I checked my watch. It was 2:09am. Everybody had already woken up. "what a night" I said to myself. When I woke up, I was wondering what happened to my earmuffs. I looked down and lifted my foot. my earmuffs were split in half. I was so relieved when I heard this. "this is your captain speaking. we will be landing in five minutes. hope you enjoyed your flight." I decided to read a book I brought along with me. When I opened it, I knew it was unreadable. Half the pages were gone and the pages that remained were crumpled and slightly ripped. When we finally landed, I gathered all my stuff and got out. There was only one thing I could think of. "next time, I'm taking a train."  The End.
Hope you enjoyed my story. Peace out!


  1. hope everyone liked my story! It took me a long time to make. I will be posting stories every now and then. bye!

  2. I love your story Lennox! I feel so bad for Paul! That must have been a very painful ride! ;)
