Tuesday, 20 January 2015

$1 million question.

What would you do if you had $1 million?


  1. Ahhh..... now that's the proverbial "million dollar question"! I wouldn't retire, but I would travel way more than I do now. Somewhere hot in the dead of winter and then somewhere in the mountains, so I can ski. I would also donate some of my new found wealth to a worthy organization.

  2. Hmm I think I would donate most of it to charities and then just go shopping with it lol :3

    1. But 1 million dollars isn't that much anymore you can but a lot of stuff still but its not as much as it used to be

  3. I would donate half of it to charity, put some in my savings for a house, a car, and collage. Then, I would take a trip to London Britain.
