Saturday, 31 January 2015
Best Hockey Team.
I think that Toronto Maple Leaves is the best hockey team in the NHL. Comment to agree or disagree.
Splitting Atoms. Part 11. By: Keira.
"I'm your brother." He says.
"What? How? I'm an only child!" I say, my voice trembling with fear.
"Seven years before you were born, your mother, our mother, had a child. That child was me. She had so many things that she wanted to do with her life, and a child would just weigh her down, so I was put up for adoption. Eventually, I decided that I wanted to meet my family. I was 16 at the time, but mom didn't want me to come back, so she pushed me away." He says, with pain and sorrow inn his voice.
"I remember that night," I say. "Mom told me to go back to bed, that you were just some salesman. Wow, that means your 28."
"Well, it was 28 years of torture for me. All I wanted was a family." He said, with anger in his voice.
"Wait a minute, you said that super powers are a genetic thing in our family. Dose that mean-"
"Yes," He says, cutting me off."I have powers, just like you. I an put thoughts into the heads of people, or inanimate objects. The stronger there brain is, the harder it is to put thoughts in." He says.
"The car!" I say. "That's how you drove the car through the wall without hurting anyone!"
"Now you're getting it." He says. ""I also put thought into your mind."
I look at hi, quizzically.
"Ever wonder why you didn't call the police when you found out that you had a stalker?" He asks.
"Well... Um..." I say, confused.
"Exactly." He says.
"How did you get my room back?" I ask.
"I saw your bedroom once when I was a kid. I broke into the house. Just to see what I was missing. I can still remember that day." He says.
"Wow. You put a lot of work into this."I say. "You put all of this work into meeting me, and I don't even know your name. What is your name?"
"Jimmy" He says. "I kind of made you name your cat after me."
I laugh.
"It's nice, you know, having a sibling." I say.
"It's a lot nicer having a mom and dad and the whole package." He says.
"I'll be your family." I say.
He chuckles.
"What?" I ask.
"It's like you forgot about the notes that I sent you. I'm not here to welcome you as my sister. I'm here for revenge. But, before I kill you, I thought that you would like to see your cat one last time." He says, as he pulls Jimmy out from a kennel.
"You kidnapped my cat!" I yell.
"That was how I was going to lure you to me. This cat was the only stable thing in your left in your life. I though I would through you a bone." He says.
Then, he charges at me. I doge. He trips. The window is open. he falls out, holding onto the wall.
"Sarah, I'm sorry! As I was charging at you, I realized that I had a chance at having a family, and that I was just pushing you away. That's why I tripped. I was stopping. Please." He begs.
"Okay." I say.
I try to pull him up, but he's to heavy.
He slips.
I do the only thing I can. I break him into atoms.
But when I try to put him back together, I can't.
So I go home and tell Alex and Harrison everything. (Btw, they got together)
Then I call Derek for a cup of coffee.
A really good cup of coffee.
To be continued for the last time.
"What? How? I'm an only child!" I say, my voice trembling with fear.
"Seven years before you were born, your mother, our mother, had a child. That child was me. She had so many things that she wanted to do with her life, and a child would just weigh her down, so I was put up for adoption. Eventually, I decided that I wanted to meet my family. I was 16 at the time, but mom didn't want me to come back, so she pushed me away." He says, with pain and sorrow inn his voice.
"I remember that night," I say. "Mom told me to go back to bed, that you were just some salesman. Wow, that means your 28."
"Well, it was 28 years of torture for me. All I wanted was a family." He said, with anger in his voice.
"Wait a minute, you said that super powers are a genetic thing in our family. Dose that mean-"
"Yes," He says, cutting me off."I have powers, just like you. I an put thoughts into the heads of people, or inanimate objects. The stronger there brain is, the harder it is to put thoughts in." He says.
"The car!" I say. "That's how you drove the car through the wall without hurting anyone!"
"Now you're getting it." He says. ""I also put thought into your mind."
I look at hi, quizzically.
"Ever wonder why you didn't call the police when you found out that you had a stalker?" He asks.
"Well... Um..." I say, confused.
"Exactly." He says.
"How did you get my room back?" I ask.
"I saw your bedroom once when I was a kid. I broke into the house. Just to see what I was missing. I can still remember that day." He says.
"Wow. You put a lot of work into this."I say. "You put all of this work into meeting me, and I don't even know your name. What is your name?"
"Jimmy" He says. "I kind of made you name your cat after me."
I laugh.
"It's nice, you know, having a sibling." I say.
"It's a lot nicer having a mom and dad and the whole package." He says.
"I'll be your family." I say.
He chuckles.
"What?" I ask.
"It's like you forgot about the notes that I sent you. I'm not here to welcome you as my sister. I'm here for revenge. But, before I kill you, I thought that you would like to see your cat one last time." He says, as he pulls Jimmy out from a kennel.
"You kidnapped my cat!" I yell.
"That was how I was going to lure you to me. This cat was the only stable thing in your left in your life. I though I would through you a bone." He says.
Then, he charges at me. I doge. He trips. The window is open. he falls out, holding onto the wall.
"Sarah, I'm sorry! As I was charging at you, I realized that I had a chance at having a family, and that I was just pushing you away. That's why I tripped. I was stopping. Please." He begs.
"Okay." I say.
I try to pull him up, but he's to heavy.
He slips.
I do the only thing I can. I break him into atoms.
But when I try to put him back together, I can't.
So I go home and tell Alex and Harrison everything. (Btw, they got together)
Then I call Derek for a cup of coffee.
A really good cup of coffee.
To be continued for the last time.
A question...
Friday, 30 January 2015
Normal day driving with my aunt
So whenever I am with my aunt we always go somewhere and then she turns on her radio ( this should be good) she blasts heavy metal bands and one sang Blank Space by Taylor Swift i couldn't stop laughing it was so funny and i still remember it and they were screaming blank space it was hilarious.
Have you ever heard something like this??
Have you ever heard something like this??
Let's Just Say This Never Happened...
So last night my mom, Ruby who is my younger sister, and I went to Walmart. Ruby got hair chalk and she wanted to try it once we got home. We drove home, unloaded the car, and took out and unpacked Ruby's chalk. I dyed some of her hair a purple colour and some a light pink colour. After I finished doing Ruby's hair, I went upstairs to grab my iPad to take a picture of my amazing artistic work. If you couldn't tell I was being sarcastic. Anyway, I went upstairs and in that short 2 minutes, Ruby dyed my dogs head and tail PURPLE AND PINK!! I, personally, thought it was hilarious and it she surprisingly looked good. But my dad, on the other hand, FLIPPED OUT. After a few minutes he got used to it and I explained to him that it comes out in water. My dog now has new nickname, Rainbow Poops, and her next look may be blue and pink...
Splitting Atoms. Part 10. By:Keira.
The bag goes over my head, and they start dragging me into a van. I try to scream, but they are covering my mouth. My stalker finally got me. At least, I think it's my stalker. I don't know. So much has been happening, I honestly don't know if this has to do with a whole other situation.
They through me into a truck., and drive away.
Okay, how do I get out of this situation. We've been driving for at least 45 minutes.
Oh! Right. I have awesome science fiction super powers. Okay. So, if I imagine the bag splitting into atoms, then it should work. Right?
As soon as I was about to use my powers, the truck stopped.
They open the truck door, and walk me into a building. After a little while, we stop walking and they pull the bag of my head.
It's a bedroom.
But not just any bedroom, it's my childhood bedroom.
That's when I see him.
Purple eyes.
"Hello, Sarah." He says, with darkness in his voice.
"You... How?... My room... What?..." I say. How did this happen? I changed my childhood bedroom when I turned 14. What is he doing here? Is he my stalker? What's happening?!
"Puzzled, Sarah? Connect the dots." He says, mysteriously.
That's when I realize. He's been sending me clues. Purple. Purple Food, Purple umbrellas, purple everything! But how? He's sort of been popping up everywhere I go. How? I stare at him.
"I've secretly been sending you messages. Everything you do, everywhere you go, there is something purple. To tell you that I was coming. To warn you." He says.
"The car. The purple car. It had no driver. That was you?" I ask.
"Yes." He says.
"People could have died." I say.
"No. I had a way to make sure that everyone was safe and out of the way at the time." He said.
"How?" I ask.
"You know how you can separate atoms. Well, let's just say that super powers must be a genetic thing." He says, confidently.
"What?" I ask.
"I'm your brother." He says.
They through me into a truck., and drive away.
Okay, how do I get out of this situation. We've been driving for at least 45 minutes.
Oh! Right. I have awesome science fiction super powers. Okay. So, if I imagine the bag splitting into atoms, then it should work. Right?
As soon as I was about to use my powers, the truck stopped.
They open the truck door, and walk me into a building. After a little while, we stop walking and they pull the bag of my head.
It's a bedroom.
But not just any bedroom, it's my childhood bedroom.
That's when I see him.
Purple eyes.
"Hello, Sarah." He says, with darkness in his voice.
"You... How?... My room... What?..." I say. How did this happen? I changed my childhood bedroom when I turned 14. What is he doing here? Is he my stalker? What's happening?!
"Puzzled, Sarah? Connect the dots." He says, mysteriously.
That's when I realize. He's been sending me clues. Purple. Purple Food, Purple umbrellas, purple everything! But how? He's sort of been popping up everywhere I go. How? I stare at him.
"I've secretly been sending you messages. Everything you do, everywhere you go, there is something purple. To tell you that I was coming. To warn you." He says.
"The car. The purple car. It had no driver. That was you?" I ask.
"Yes." He says.
"People could have died." I say.
"No. I had a way to make sure that everyone was safe and out of the way at the time." He said.
"How?" I ask.
"You know how you can separate atoms. Well, let's just say that super powers must be a genetic thing." He says, confidently.
"What?" I ask.
"I'm your brother." He says.
Would you want one ? Tell me if you would or what's your favourite kind of dog?
The way I feel someday's is hard to explain
Fear, stress, wonder and pain.
I feel like I'm trapped in a place unknown
Even though it's not always shown.
Words can't always describe what I truly feel
But expression through dance makes it all real.
It's like a sheet over my face
Hiding mixed feelings all over the place.
I'm worried about my future
And scared of the past
If only the present could forever last.
You would never know unless you were me
The times of stress and times of relief.
It's little things in life you never forget
Happiness, fear, worry, regret.
Music and dance makes me feel so free
As I dance along to the melody.
Sylvia B.
A day of a life with sadie
First, I woke up today wondering if today is cold outside or is it warm outside, so I grab my iPad a start looking up what the weather is going to be like. Next, I go and pick my clothes and after that I go to the bathroom and get dressed. After that, I go to the kitchen and make my lunch and sometimes make myself some French toast or pancakes. Later, I go to the washroom and brush my teeth, brush my hair and sometimes put my hair up into a ponytail. After I go and put my jacket and boots and mitts on or appropriate clothing for the weather. Then I go to the car and wait for my dad to come out and drive me to school.While going to school my dad and I talk what me or what my dad's doing after when Im done school.Then my dad drops me off at school around 8:10-8:15 AM. At school I learn stuff like math,science,social studies and other cool stuff.After school today I'm going to go to the movies with best friend at my old school, I don't know what we're going to watch, it's a surprise for me.After that I might have a sleep over with her or maybe I might go home and I'm going to have to pack because I move in my new house on Saturday. After packing I will go on my iPad for about 30 minutes or so, and after that I will get ready for bed and go to sleep.
thanks for listening what my day was about and what I'm going to do after school,and also tell me what your day was like so far.😎
Tell me what you think. :)
Tell me what you think of being at school do you like it or nah if you do comment yes and if you dont comment nope and tell me why
I personally like and don't like school i like school because of my friends and we learn a lot of things and we can do a lot of fun things but then I don't like school because to me it gets a little boring once in a while. :D
I personally like and don't like school i like school because of my friends and we learn a lot of things and we can do a lot of fun things but then I don't like school because to me it gets a little boring once in a while. :D
Here's one for discussion..
What is with video games and gaming? All kids want to do is play video games and stay indoors these days. To me it feels like the rise and fall of the western civilization. Kids no longer know how to play, fewer are involved in organized sport, and our youth has become totally desensitized to violence. Personally, I don't get it or the draw to play on a screen.
What do you think?
What do you think?
Traveling to Winnipeg
Last weekend, January 22 until January 25, I traveled to Winnipeg. We went to Polo Park, the Children's Museum, Forks Market, and we stayed at this awesome hotel called the Clarion, located right by Polo Park Mall. Even though we did many exciting things in Winnipeg, what we did on the drive there was just as... interesting. When we first started driving to Winnipeg, we stopped in Dryden for Thursday night and stayed there until Friday morning. We stayed in a hotel, that of course, had a pool. What's a hotel without a pool? We continued our 4 hour journey to Winnipeg, and we had fun, some drama and screaming, but still fun! For the record it was NOT me or Ryan who was screaming, it was my younger sister, Ruby. We blasted Uptown Funk (sorry Keira), Blank Space, and my mom being my mom, old lady music, as I call it. We continued driving, stopping occasionally to go to the bathroom, get water, and reload on my mom's RedBull. We thought we were close to Winnipeg when there was a sign that said "Winnipeg" and an arrow pointing forward. Don't trust signs because it turned out Winnipeg was still 45 minutes away. Possibly even an hour. So that was my story of my trip to Winnipeg! Before I go, have you ever been to Winnipeg?
Starbucks is closed in TARGET?!?!?!?!
Well i have heard from my friend that my absolute favorite coffee shop in the mall..ITS CLOSED BECAUSE OF STUPID TARGETS CLOSING :( (sorry for my online yelling lol) but anyway i love Starbucks and if you do to leave a comment and what you think about Starbucks :) :3
One day...
Good morning! Did you ever just wonder how great this year is going to be? Or what you're going to learn in school? Were you excited for school to start?
Which one is your favorite movie? (choice)
Which one of these three movies are your favorite? Tell me in the comment section below.
The penguins of Madagascar...

The Lego Movie...

Or the Movie Frozen.
The penguins of Madagascar...
The Lego Movie...
Or the Movie Frozen.
Thursday, 29 January 2015
Splitting Atoms. Part 9. By: Keira.
Okay guys, things are getting really heavy in my life. I have a stalker, non-human super powers, I'm constantly getting death threats, my best friend is about to ask my other best friend out, and I can't stop thinking about purple eyes guy. Plus, I still have to worry about my school and job. I should probably quit my job. My stalker might find me at my job.
Gosh, what have I got myself into? I didn't even do anything! I've never done anything to draw attention to myself! What is happening.
Well, at least I don't have to worry about cleaning up anymore. That's good. Not really.
How can I manage to fix everything?
I guess the only thing to do is hang with Jimmy. My cat Jimmy, always there for me. But when I look around the apartment, he's not there. That's when I see it. The window is open.
I grab my jacket, new phone, and head down the fire escape(That's the window he got out of). I call his name. I cannot lose Jimmy. He is the only thing that isn't changing on me.
"Jimmy!!!!" I scream. He always responds to his name.
I look everywhere.
I ask people if they've seen my cat, I show pictures of him. I even went to the pound, but he wasn't there.
Then, even though I thought the situation couldn't get worse, it started raining.
It was two hours until I finally sat down. I sat on the steps of this cute little art shop. It was light red with a paint brush painted on the wall.
I found myself crying on those steps. The one thing in my life that wasn't changing had just ran away.
The rain soaked my dark red hair. My hair which was once curly and full of volume was now wet, tangled, and messy. Wow, my hair has been really reflecting my mood today.
"No. Way." Says a familiar male voice. Although, I don't know who's it is.
"Sarah Baker?" Says the voice.
I look up at him. He has peachy skin, light blue eyes, and shaggy, dark brown hair. I would say he is around 6'1. He wears a long, buttoned-up, black jacket. He holds a purple umbrella. That's when I remember him.
"Derek?" I ask.
Derek and I went to art camp together. All the way from grade one to nine. We were so close. He didn't go to my school, but we were great friends. I haven't seen him sense grade nine. That's when he moved.
"Why are you crying?" He asked, concernedly.
"That is a really loaded question right now. Um, well, my cat ran way, and my best friend is about to ask out my other best friend and there is a high chance that somebody else has already asked him out, and this one person keeps giving me frightening notes, and all of it is distracting me from my school work, and a million other things are going on to." I say.
"So, basically high school all over again." He says, trying to lift my spirit.
"Exactly." I say while laughing. He laughs too.
"That is the first time I've laughed in a while now. Thanks for that." I say, and give him a small smile.
"It was my pleasure." He says.
"Here's my number. If you ever want some coffee, give me a call. Okay?" He asks.
"That sounds delightful." I say.
"See you soon." He says.
Then, just as I was starting to stand up, a bag was thrown over my head.
I was being kidnapped.
To be continued...
Gosh, what have I got myself into? I didn't even do anything! I've never done anything to draw attention to myself! What is happening.
Well, at least I don't have to worry about cleaning up anymore. That's good. Not really.
How can I manage to fix everything?
I guess the only thing to do is hang with Jimmy. My cat Jimmy, always there for me. But when I look around the apartment, he's not there. That's when I see it. The window is open.
I grab my jacket, new phone, and head down the fire escape(That's the window he got out of). I call his name. I cannot lose Jimmy. He is the only thing that isn't changing on me.
"Jimmy!!!!" I scream. He always responds to his name.
I look everywhere.
I ask people if they've seen my cat, I show pictures of him. I even went to the pound, but he wasn't there.
Then, even though I thought the situation couldn't get worse, it started raining.
It was two hours until I finally sat down. I sat on the steps of this cute little art shop. It was light red with a paint brush painted on the wall.
I found myself crying on those steps. The one thing in my life that wasn't changing had just ran away.
The rain soaked my dark red hair. My hair which was once curly and full of volume was now wet, tangled, and messy. Wow, my hair has been really reflecting my mood today.
"No. Way." Says a familiar male voice. Although, I don't know who's it is.
"Sarah Baker?" Says the voice.
I look up at him. He has peachy skin, light blue eyes, and shaggy, dark brown hair. I would say he is around 6'1. He wears a long, buttoned-up, black jacket. He holds a purple umbrella. That's when I remember him.
"Derek?" I ask.
Derek and I went to art camp together. All the way from grade one to nine. We were so close. He didn't go to my school, but we were great friends. I haven't seen him sense grade nine. That's when he moved.
"Why are you crying?" He asked, concernedly.
"That is a really loaded question right now. Um, well, my cat ran way, and my best friend is about to ask out my other best friend and there is a high chance that somebody else has already asked him out, and this one person keeps giving me frightening notes, and all of it is distracting me from my school work, and a million other things are going on to." I say.
"So, basically high school all over again." He says, trying to lift my spirit.
"Exactly." I say while laughing. He laughs too.
"That is the first time I've laughed in a while now. Thanks for that." I say, and give him a small smile.
"It was my pleasure." He says.
"Here's my number. If you ever want some coffee, give me a call. Okay?" He asks.
"That sounds delightful." I say.
"See you soon." He says.
Then, just as I was starting to stand up, a bag was thrown over my head.
I was being kidnapped.
To be continued...
Wednesday, 28 January 2015
Splitting Atoms. Part 8. By Keira.
Okay. Two seconds. Four if I'm lucky. I have to figure out how to grow my hair back, get the purple pastry filling off the wall, and properly dispose of the of the broken phone. I can't do it. It is physically impossible.
But wait, if I connect the dots... My hand and everything around me has been disappearing. Literally. So, if I can focus that energy, make my hair reappear, make the phone and pastry filling disappear. Take the atoms and split them apart, away from each other, and add the atoms back together to make my hair. No, that's impossible. But it's the best chance I've got.
I focus my energy into my hair, the broken phone, the pastry filling. I put all of my energy into it. Every little piece of strength I've got into fixing it. But what happened next blew my mind. I never would have thought that it was possible. It worked. My hair grew back. The pasty filling disappeared. When I looked over my shoulder, I didn't see my broken phone. It worked.
"Hi!" Says Alex.
"Hey." I say with relief. All the sudden, I feel absolutely exhausted. That must have taken a lot of energy out of me.
"Are you okay? You sound exhausted." Says Alex.
"Yeah, I've just been busy... So, how was the trip with your parents? Anything, exciting happen?" I ask.
"Well, yes. Do you remember Vanessa? You know, Harrison's ex."Asks Alex.
"Yeah. Why?" I ask.
"Well, I bumped into her when I was shopping, and she said that she wanted to get back together with Harrison." Says Alex, with a hint of sadness in her voice.
"Well, that's great. Isn't it?" I ask, sensing her sadness.
"It would be... If I didn't have a bit of a thing for him" She says, shyly.
"What!!??" I ask. This cannot be happening! They are my two best friends! What if he rejects her? What if they break up? This makes no sense! But it dose. She's been acting so odd around him lately. How could I have not noticed? I mean, when you think about, you can't blame me for not noticing. I've been a bit busy with some stuff. School, work, death threats, stalker. But still. This is an undeniably shocking discovery.
"I also gave her his number." She said, with a tense look on her face.
"Alex! Why?"
"I don't know! It's just... I panicked, okay?"
"You need to talk to him about this. Before it's to late. Last time you liked him Vanessa asked him out. I don't think you could survive it if that exact same situation happened to you again."
"Okay. I will. I'll see you soon." She says, and walks out the door.
"Bye!" I say.
Okay, what just happened?
I think that I just discovered that I have awesome super powers, and that one of my best friends are falling in love with my other best friend and is now going to ask him out.
It's been an odd sort of day.
To be continued.....
I focus my energy into my hair, the broken phone, the pastry filling. I put all of my energy into it. Every little piece of strength I've got into fixing it. But what happened next blew my mind. I never would have thought that it was possible. It worked. My hair grew back. The pasty filling disappeared. When I looked over my shoulder, I didn't see my broken phone. It worked.
"Hi!" Says Alex.
"Hey." I say with relief. All the sudden, I feel absolutely exhausted. That must have taken a lot of energy out of me.
"Are you okay? You sound exhausted." Says Alex.
"Yeah, I've just been busy... So, how was the trip with your parents? Anything, exciting happen?" I ask.
"Well, yes. Do you remember Vanessa? You know, Harrison's ex."Asks Alex.
"Yeah. Why?" I ask.
"Well, I bumped into her when I was shopping, and she said that she wanted to get back together with Harrison." Says Alex, with a hint of sadness in her voice.
"Well, that's great. Isn't it?" I ask, sensing her sadness.
"It would be... If I didn't have a bit of a thing for him" She says, shyly.
"What!!??" I ask. This cannot be happening! They are my two best friends! What if he rejects her? What if they break up? This makes no sense! But it dose. She's been acting so odd around him lately. How could I have not noticed? I mean, when you think about, you can't blame me for not noticing. I've been a bit busy with some stuff. School, work, death threats, stalker. But still. This is an undeniably shocking discovery.
"I also gave her his number." She said, with a tense look on her face.
"Alex! Why?"
"I don't know! It's just... I panicked, okay?"
"You need to talk to him about this. Before it's to late. Last time you liked him Vanessa asked him out. I don't think you could survive it if that exact same situation happened to you again."
"Okay. I will. I'll see you soon." She says, and walks out the door.
"Bye!" I say.
Okay, what just happened?
I think that I just discovered that I have awesome super powers, and that one of my best friends are falling in love with my other best friend and is now going to ask him out.
It's been an odd sort of day.
To be continued.....
Film Making... Why do I do it?
Words can only describe a limited amount of thoughts. There's not much mystery in telling someone what you think. The one thing I love about film is that it tells a story through not words, but pictures. When you put clips together and add effects and music, you're telling a unique story that expresses a thought or a feeling that you have. To show your life through film is just like dancing or writing or even acting. It's so free and you could take video and twist it and turn it and shape it in any which way to tell a story.
Sylvia B
Tuesday, 27 January 2015
My camping trip. (fiction story)
Hello, there. My name is phil. I am 23 years old. I have a brother named Paul but he took a plane to go somewhere. Anyways, I was going to go camping just to get some fresh air and to be outdoors. I had just packed everything I needed for my camping trip. I'm bringing my dog, Willow along with me. Here's everything I packed. I'm bringing my tent, my sleeping bag, some dog food, mosquito spray, water, matches, hot dogs, and A pocket knife. I put all my bags into the trunk and I put my dog Willow into the passenger seat. And finally I got into the drivers seat. We drove about 2 miles off from the city and then parked on the side of the highway. Cars could still get by. I got out of the car and opened the trunk. I started taking bags out of the trunk. After I got all the bags out I opened the door to let Willow out. He immediately jumped out and started sniffing the ground. I took the key out of the car and we started walking into the woods. We walked for about 5 minutes and found a fairly flat spot to pitch tent. I opened the tent package and followed the instructions. I eventually got it set up but I was thirsty. Next I took one of my matches out of my bag. I gathered some stones and put them so they were in a circle. I had already gathered some sticks along the way. I was going to use them as fuel. I then, lit the match and started a tiny fire. I blew on it to make it bigger. Meanwhile my dog, Willow, was taking a nap in the tent. I had a decent fire but it wasn't enough. I got up from my knees and got my hot dog package. I opened it and went to go get a stick. I found a sharp one not too far away. I put my hot dog on my stick and hung it over the fire. After a few minutes, It was half cooked and golden. I reached into one of my bags to look for buns and ketchup. I found buns and plopped my hot dog right in the bun. I couldn't find any ketchup because I forgot it at home. I went to go get my sleeping bag. I pulled it out from one of my bags and placed it in the tent. After I finished my hot dog, I decided I would put some mosquito spray on. I pulled it out and shook it firmly. I sprayed my neck, my legs, my arms and my head. I had no sense of time so I just decided to feed Willow his dog food from his favorite bowl. After I did that, it was getting dark. I went to my tent to go to bed. It was peaceful out there. I could hear cars going by very faintly. It was very warm under my sleeping bag. I fell asleep very fast. I packed everything up the next morning. My dog, Willow mostly just slept the whole time. I drove back home that day. "It was nice camping out in the woods," I thought to myself the next day. The End.
which one is you favorite movie? (choice.)
Do you like Alvin and the Chipmunks Chip wrecked better? Tell me which movie you like better.
Splitting Atoms. Part 7. By: Keira.
Okay, I now have several problems. My first problem is that my hand keeps fading away, my second problem is that I have some creepy stalker, my third problem is that Alex has been acting strange around Harrison lately, and my fourth problem is that I have no phone to contact anyone. Not to mention the fact that if my stalker comes back, I have no phone to get help. I could always use the house phone, but it's a really slow phone. It's almost impossible to use. Not to mention the fact that Alex is out of town. But at least I still have my cat, Jimmy.
I should probably go out to get another phone. Then I'll clean up the mess that I made by smashing my phone.
While I'm walking through the streets, I bump into him. Purple eyes. I haven't seen him scene the mall. I don't even know him, but I feel like I have to talk to him. Like I have to know him. Do I know him?
"Hi. I'm Sarah. I bumped into you at the mall the other day, and for some reason, I feel like I know you. Do I know you?" I ask.
"No. I just have one of those faces." He says.
This makes me laugh.
"What?" He asks.
"You do not have one of those faces." I say, while laughing.
"I totally have one of those faces!" He says.
"Your eyes are purple! How many people have purple eyes?" I say.
He just stares at me. For about, 30 seconds.
"Well, it was nice chatting with you, but I have places to be, and a schedule to keep." He says, and then walks away.
Why do I feel like I know him? He's just some guy that I met at the mall. I don't even know him! He hasn't even told me his name! So why dose he feel so familiar?
After that I buy a new phone, go back home, and hang out with my cat, Jimmy.
I have to write this paper for school, and it's really hard. When I get stressed, I rum my hands through my hair, and I was about to do that, but then it started fading away. Splitting into atoms.
That's when I heard it.
The door was being unlocked.
Alex was coming home, and everything was a disaster.
I was bald, there was a smashed phone on the floor, and there was purple pastry filling all over the floor. (You would understand if you had one hand that kept disappearing and a really great but messy treat.)
I had to fix everything in two seconds.
But how?
To be continued...
Okay, I now have several problems. My first problem is that my hand keeps fading away, my second problem is that I have some creepy stalker, my third problem is that Alex has been acting strange around Harrison lately, and my fourth problem is that I have no phone to contact anyone. Not to mention the fact that if my stalker comes back, I have no phone to get help. I could always use the house phone, but it's a really slow phone. It's almost impossible to use. Not to mention the fact that Alex is out of town. But at least I still have my cat, Jimmy.
I should probably go out to get another phone. Then I'll clean up the mess that I made by smashing my phone.
While I'm walking through the streets, I bump into him. Purple eyes. I haven't seen him scene the mall. I don't even know him, but I feel like I have to talk to him. Like I have to know him. Do I know him?
"Hi. I'm Sarah. I bumped into you at the mall the other day, and for some reason, I feel like I know you. Do I know you?" I ask.
"No. I just have one of those faces." He says.
This makes me laugh.
"What?" He asks.
"You do not have one of those faces." I say, while laughing.
"I totally have one of those faces!" He says.
"Your eyes are purple! How many people have purple eyes?" I say.
He just stares at me. For about, 30 seconds.
"Well, it was nice chatting with you, but I have places to be, and a schedule to keep." He says, and then walks away.
Why do I feel like I know him? He's just some guy that I met at the mall. I don't even know him! He hasn't even told me his name! So why dose he feel so familiar?
After that I buy a new phone, go back home, and hang out with my cat, Jimmy.
I have to write this paper for school, and it's really hard. When I get stressed, I rum my hands through my hair, and I was about to do that, but then it started fading away. Splitting into atoms.
That's when I heard it.
The door was being unlocked.
Alex was coming home, and everything was a disaster.
I was bald, there was a smashed phone on the floor, and there was purple pastry filling all over the floor. (You would understand if you had one hand that kept disappearing and a really great but messy treat.)
I had to fix everything in two seconds.
But how?
To be continued...
stranded on an island
Q-If you were stranded on an island, what 3 things would you bring, and explain why you chose those 3 things, and keep in mind that you have all the stuff like enough food, shelter and clothing. and you have wi-fi
A-firstly, I will bring my IPad because, I will use it to tell me the time, and also I can keep in touch with my dad and my best friend, Also I will play games on my IPad so I won't get board.
Secondly, I will bring my stuffed bear because, my bear will keep me company while im stranded on the island.
Lastly, I would bring my bathing suit because, if it get to hot outside, i'll just go for a swim and just chill in da water.
A-firstly, I will bring my IPad because, I will use it to tell me the time, and also I can keep in touch with my dad and my best friend, Also I will play games on my IPad so I won't get board.
Secondly, I will bring my stuffed bear because, my bear will keep me company while im stranded on the island.
Lastly, I would bring my bathing suit because, if it get to hot outside, i'll just go for a swim and just chill in da water.
What do you want to be when you grow up?
What kind of job do you want?
Do you want to be an astronaut? Or a chef or something else?
Reply in the comments below.
Do you want to be an astronaut? Or a chef or something else?
Reply in the comments below.
Monday, 26 January 2015
Splitting Atoms. Part 6. By Keira.
Alex's life.
Hi. I'm Alex. You already know who I am, and what I look like. But you haven't really met me or Harrison. So today, I'm going to tell you my story.
I met Sarah in grade one. We were doing arts and crafts in group of two, so we teamed up. The arts and crafts were to promote saving the earth, and we won the contest. We won a 25 dollar gift card to wherever we wanted. It was pretty awesome.
We met Harrison in grade three. He was a smart kid, but he always hung out alone. So Sarah, being the outgoing person that she is, invited him to hangout with us. We have been best friends ever scene.
In high school, I developed a tiny crush on Harrison, which was unfortunate because he had just started going out with this girl, Vanessa. I never had anything against Vanessa, she was nice, smart funny, and rather pretty. But when I found out that Harrison and Vanessa were going out, I was really upset. I thought it was just a thing that would blow over, but he went out with her for five months! I was so upset! But, lucky, I stopped liking him that way.
After that, I got into journalism. I joined the school paper, and got a part time job at Tim Horton's. Then, after I graduated high school, I applied to a journalism college. It cost me some money, but I got in. I was super excited to move to Toronto with my best friends. To this day, I am still in that journalism class. Although, I may have a slight problem. Actually, two problems. The first problem is, Sarah has been acting strange lately. I don't know what's going on with her. The other day, I offered her this amazing, purple jelly filled, homade pastry. It was amazing, by the way, but it has to be eaten with two hands, because it's so messy. But for some reason, she insisted that she could eat it with one hand. We argued about it for like, five minutes, and then she just took it. What was that all about?
My second problem is that, I think I might be starting to like Harrison again.
I better not be. Sarah would freak.
She's been acting odd lately. This would send her overboard.
I hope she's okay.
To be continued...
Hi. I'm Alex. You already know who I am, and what I look like. But you haven't really met me or Harrison. So today, I'm going to tell you my story.
I met Sarah in grade one. We were doing arts and crafts in group of two, so we teamed up. The arts and crafts were to promote saving the earth, and we won the contest. We won a 25 dollar gift card to wherever we wanted. It was pretty awesome.
We met Harrison in grade three. He was a smart kid, but he always hung out alone. So Sarah, being the outgoing person that she is, invited him to hangout with us. We have been best friends ever scene.
In high school, I developed a tiny crush on Harrison, which was unfortunate because he had just started going out with this girl, Vanessa. I never had anything against Vanessa, she was nice, smart funny, and rather pretty. But when I found out that Harrison and Vanessa were going out, I was really upset. I thought it was just a thing that would blow over, but he went out with her for five months! I was so upset! But, lucky, I stopped liking him that way.
After that, I got into journalism. I joined the school paper, and got a part time job at Tim Horton's. Then, after I graduated high school, I applied to a journalism college. It cost me some money, but I got in. I was super excited to move to Toronto with my best friends. To this day, I am still in that journalism class. Although, I may have a slight problem. Actually, two problems. The first problem is, Sarah has been acting strange lately. I don't know what's going on with her. The other day, I offered her this amazing, purple jelly filled, homade pastry. It was amazing, by the way, but it has to be eaten with two hands, because it's so messy. But for some reason, she insisted that she could eat it with one hand. We argued about it for like, five minutes, and then she just took it. What was that all about?
My second problem is that, I think I might be starting to like Harrison again.
I better not be. Sarah would freak.
She's been acting odd lately. This would send her overboard.
I hope she's okay.
To be continued...
Sunday, 25 January 2015
Splitting Atoms. Part 5. By: Keira
Warning. If you have not read previous parts, scroll down and read them. The story will not make sense if you do not know what's happening. Thank you.
I see my hand fading away. Breaking into atoms. Then, I hear footsteps. Alex is coming. I immediately shove the half of a hand that I have left into my pocket and smile.
"So, I made you this adorable little pastry, but be careful. There is this liquid, purple filling inside. Really yummy, and really messy. So be careful. You need two hands to eat these." Says Alex.
Of course. The one time she makes me a snack! If I don't eat it, she'll think that I'm being rude, but if I do eat it, she'll see my hand. It's a lose-lose situation. I could try eating it with one hand.
"Thanks! It's really nice of you to make me a snack." I say, while grabbing it with one hand.
"You know, you're going to need two hands for that." Says Alex.
"I can probably manage with one." I say.
"Don't be so ignorant Sarah. You need two hands."
That's when I feel it. All of the atoms in my hand place themselves together.
"You know what, you're right. I do need two hands." I say, while taking my hand out of my pocket.
"Living together is going to be harder than I thought." Said Alex, while handing me the pastry.
That was a close one. She almost found out about my hand. This is going to be harder than I thought it would be.
After that we watch a movie, eat dinner, play a card game, feed Jimmy. Then I go to my room to paint. I created this really prey colour of purple. It made the picture five times better. I have got to get it framed!
After that, I cuddle up with Jimmy and go to sleep.
But then, in the middle of the night, I am awoken by the buzzing of my phone. Who would be texting me at this time of night?
I look at the name of the person who texted me, but it says unknown.
The text says "Just because you moved doesn't me I can't find you. Sweet dreams."
I throw my phone on the ground and smash it with my lamp. Alex was spending the night at her parents house, so I didn't have to worry about her hearing.
I hope they don't find me.
To be continued...
I see my hand fading away. Breaking into atoms. Then, I hear footsteps. Alex is coming. I immediately shove the half of a hand that I have left into my pocket and smile.
"So, I made you this adorable little pastry, but be careful. There is this liquid, purple filling inside. Really yummy, and really messy. So be careful. You need two hands to eat these." Says Alex.
Of course. The one time she makes me a snack! If I don't eat it, she'll think that I'm being rude, but if I do eat it, she'll see my hand. It's a lose-lose situation. I could try eating it with one hand.
"Thanks! It's really nice of you to make me a snack." I say, while grabbing it with one hand.
"You know, you're going to need two hands for that." Says Alex.
"I can probably manage with one." I say.
"Don't be so ignorant Sarah. You need two hands."
That's when I feel it. All of the atoms in my hand place themselves together.
"You know what, you're right. I do need two hands." I say, while taking my hand out of my pocket.
"Living together is going to be harder than I thought." Said Alex, while handing me the pastry.
That was a close one. She almost found out about my hand. This is going to be harder than I thought it would be.
After that we watch a movie, eat dinner, play a card game, feed Jimmy. Then I go to my room to paint. I created this really prey colour of purple. It made the picture five times better. I have got to get it framed!
After that, I cuddle up with Jimmy and go to sleep.
But then, in the middle of the night, I am awoken by the buzzing of my phone. Who would be texting me at this time of night?
I look at the name of the person who texted me, but it says unknown.
The text says "Just because you moved doesn't me I can't find you. Sweet dreams."
I throw my phone on the ground and smash it with my lamp. Alex was spending the night at her parents house, so I didn't have to worry about her hearing.
I hope they don't find me.
To be continued...
Saturday, 24 January 2015
16 funny jokes. (check this out if your feeling down.)
1. Police: Did you catch the banana thief? Detective: No. He gave me the slip.
2.What does Mr. soda pop teach? Answer: Fizz ed.
3.Why did the mummy take a vacation? Answer: He needed to unwind.
4.What do you call a skeleton that refuses to work? Answer: Lazy bones.
5.What did the soldier say to his army blanket? Answer: Cover me pal.
6.What sheep is a superhero? Answer: Baaman.
7.Knock? Knock? Who's there? Seafood. Seafood who? Seafood, eat food, digest food.
8.What does a peanut become when it sneezes? Answer: A cashew.
9.Where were the first chickens fried? Answer: In Greece.
10.What does the mermaid use to call her boyfriend? Answer: Her shellphone
11.What did the tennis player ask the lunch lady? Answer: What are you serving today?
12.What cartoon character keeps a diary on the internet? Answer: Sponge Blog Square Pants.
13.What is Santa's favorite cereal? Answer: Frosted Flakes.
14.Whats the worst job at the North Pole? Answer: Keeping Santa's sidewalk shoveled.
15:Why couldn't the zombie keep a secret? Answer: She was dying to tell someone.
16. Teacher: How much feet are in a yard? Student: It depends how much people are in the yard.
2.What does Mr. soda pop teach? Answer: Fizz ed.
3.Why did the mummy take a vacation? Answer: He needed to unwind.
4.What do you call a skeleton that refuses to work? Answer: Lazy bones.
5.What did the soldier say to his army blanket? Answer: Cover me pal.
6.What sheep is a superhero? Answer: Baaman.
7.Knock? Knock? Who's there? Seafood. Seafood who? Seafood, eat food, digest food.
8.What does a peanut become when it sneezes? Answer: A cashew.
9.Where were the first chickens fried? Answer: In Greece.
10.What does the mermaid use to call her boyfriend? Answer: Her shellphone
11.What did the tennis player ask the lunch lady? Answer: What are you serving today?
12.What cartoon character keeps a diary on the internet? Answer: Sponge Blog Square Pants.
13.What is Santa's favorite cereal? Answer: Frosted Flakes.
14.Whats the worst job at the North Pole? Answer: Keeping Santa's sidewalk shoveled.
15:Why couldn't the zombie keep a secret? Answer: She was dying to tell someone.
16. Teacher: How much feet are in a yard? Student: It depends how much people are in the yard.
Splitting Atoms. Part 4. By Keira.
A car crash.
But this isn't your ordinary car crash. No. This car went through the front doors, through the windows, fell of the railing, and landed a couple tables away from me. Glass shattered, people screamed. The noise was horrible! I looked at the car. It was a purple KIA that was covered with dirt. As bad as this situation is already, it it gets worse. Somebody used the dirt to write a message. Well, it was more of a word than a message. It said "Sarah Baker." My name. Repeatedly. Then, I slowly walked to the back of the car. What I saw on the back of the car, and what I saw next was possibly the most terrifying thing I had ever seen. They wrote "I'm coming for you"
I walk to the front of the car to see the person who is trying to scare me. I slowly open the door, but nobodies there.
I scream, but nobody can hear me over the screams and the sirens. I wipe my name of the car, grab my stuff, and get out of there, before something else happens.
The minute I get home, I start packing my bags. I need to get out of this house. Before they find me.
As soon as I get everything packed and give my neighbour all my appliances,(They just moved in, they have no appliances. This was a great deal for them.) and go to the apartment manager.
"Sarah! What can I do for you?" He asks.
"How long will it take me to move out? I already packed my bags and made some sleeping arrangements. How do I move out of here? It has to be as soon as possible." I say.
"Um, well, this is sort of sudden. Wow. Um, Somebody moved out just, so I can probably find the forms, get you moved out in an hour".
"Thank you! You do not know how much this means to me!" I say.
After I read the contract, I reach for the pen. One second, I'm reaching for the pen, and then I blink, and it's gone. Impossible. This cannot be happening. Then I blink again, and it's there.
"Everything okay Sarah?" asks the apartment manager, Bill.
"Yeah, sorry, I just... sorry. Where do I sign?" I say.
After I move out, I go to Alex's place. Then I decide not to tell her about everything that happened. She would just freak out and decide to call the cops. I decide not to call the cops because the story is too crazy. They would probably put me in a mental institution.
Then it happened again. You know how things keeps disappearing? My nail, the pen. This time, I saw it happen. My hand. Slowly, it fades away. piece by piece. Atom by atom.
To be continued...
A car crash.
But this isn't your ordinary car crash. No. This car went through the front doors, through the windows, fell of the railing, and landed a couple tables away from me. Glass shattered, people screamed. The noise was horrible! I looked at the car. It was a purple KIA that was covered with dirt. As bad as this situation is already, it it gets worse. Somebody used the dirt to write a message. Well, it was more of a word than a message. It said "Sarah Baker." My name. Repeatedly. Then, I slowly walked to the back of the car. What I saw on the back of the car, and what I saw next was possibly the most terrifying thing I had ever seen. They wrote "I'm coming for you"
I walk to the front of the car to see the person who is trying to scare me. I slowly open the door, but nobodies there.
I scream, but nobody can hear me over the screams and the sirens. I wipe my name of the car, grab my stuff, and get out of there, before something else happens.
The minute I get home, I start packing my bags. I need to get out of this house. Before they find me.
As soon as I get everything packed and give my neighbour all my appliances,(They just moved in, they have no appliances. This was a great deal for them.) and go to the apartment manager.
"Sarah! What can I do for you?" He asks.
"How long will it take me to move out? I already packed my bags and made some sleeping arrangements. How do I move out of here? It has to be as soon as possible." I say.
"Um, well, this is sort of sudden. Wow. Um, Somebody moved out just, so I can probably find the forms, get you moved out in an hour".
"Thank you! You do not know how much this means to me!" I say.
After I read the contract, I reach for the pen. One second, I'm reaching for the pen, and then I blink, and it's gone. Impossible. This cannot be happening. Then I blink again, and it's there.
"Everything okay Sarah?" asks the apartment manager, Bill.
"Yeah, sorry, I just... sorry. Where do I sign?" I say.
After I move out, I go to Alex's place. Then I decide not to tell her about everything that happened. She would just freak out and decide to call the cops. I decide not to call the cops because the story is too crazy. They would probably put me in a mental institution.
Then it happened again. You know how things keeps disappearing? My nail, the pen. This time, I saw it happen. My hand. Slowly, it fades away. piece by piece. Atom by atom.
To be continued...
Friday, 23 January 2015
dogs are misunderstood. (fiction)
Hello. My name is gremlin. I am a British bulldog.
I think dogs are misunderstood. The reasons I think this are listed below.
First of all, why do dogs have to sleep in a dog house. It rains a lot and I'm afraid of thunder.
Why cant we sleep inside the house. My owners house is air conditioned and warm.
Second of all, my owner just recently put a welcome mat on the front doorstep.
I decided to be polite and accept his invitation. I was chased out of the house with a broom.
It was probably because I had very muddy feet.
Another puzzling thing that I don't understand is they say dogs are mans best friend.
Well how come they take you to "vets" that stick needles into you?
Fourthly, my owner just recently went to a restaurant and asked for a doggie bag.
Well how come we never get to see those "doggie bags?"
When my owner was cooking, he accidently dropped a steak on the floor.
Well, I decided I would be polite and pick up the steak off the floor.
Again I was chased out of the house with a broom.
Fifthly, I just got a new collar. Well it really itches and I want to take it off.
Lastly, I've always wondered what chocolate tastes like. I'm not allowed to have it.
But my owner makes up for these things by giving me a big, juicy, pork chop
woof! woof!.
I think dogs are misunderstood. The reasons I think this are listed below.
First of all, why do dogs have to sleep in a dog house. It rains a lot and I'm afraid of thunder.
Why cant we sleep inside the house. My owners house is air conditioned and warm.
Second of all, my owner just recently put a welcome mat on the front doorstep.
I decided to be polite and accept his invitation. I was chased out of the house with a broom.
It was probably because I had very muddy feet.
Another puzzling thing that I don't understand is they say dogs are mans best friend.
Well how come they take you to "vets" that stick needles into you?
Fourthly, my owner just recently went to a restaurant and asked for a doggie bag.
Well how come we never get to see those "doggie bags?"
When my owner was cooking, he accidently dropped a steak on the floor.
Well, I decided I would be polite and pick up the steak off the floor.
Again I was chased out of the house with a broom.
Fifthly, I just got a new collar. Well it really itches and I want to take it off.
Lastly, I've always wondered what chocolate tastes like. I'm not allowed to have it.
But my owner makes up for these things by giving me a big, juicy, pork chop
woof! woof!.
Splitting Atoms. Part 3. By:Keira
Warning! If you have not read part one and two yet, scroll down until you find them, and then please read them. Thank you.-Keira
Two days before the note...
Okay, I may have already told you a lot of exciting things that have happened to me. Odd note, explosion, and more. But you don't really know me. You don't know the version of me that won a free scholarship to art school, the version of me that hangs out with my friends, the version of me who works at Starbucks. So, I'm going to let you know a bit more about myself.
7:00 am: I wake up, feed my brown tabby cat, Jimmy,(I would get a dog, but my apartment manager is allergic.), and start cooking breakfast. Preferably pancakes.
7:30 am: Pack bag for school and watch tv.
8:00 am: call Alex and Harrison and make plans for lunch.
8:30 am: Take cab to school.
9:00 am-12:00 pm: Attend school.
12:30 pm: have lunch with Harrison and Alex.
2:00 pm-6:00 pm: go to work.
6:30 pm: Go home, feed Jimmy, eat dinner.
7:00 pm: call mom and dad.
7:30 pm-9:00 pm: paint, read, tv, friends.
9:30 pm: sleep.
This is my life... At least, it was. Everything started to change two days later. That day I got that note. I miss that old life.
The day after the note:
The day after the note started of pretty normally. I went to school, went to Harrison's place for lunch, painted, played with Jimmy. It wasn't until dinner, that's when the day went all downhill.
I was having a taco at the food court in the mall, and that's when I noticed it. Somebody wrote on the wrapper of my taco. It said "Why didn't you listen to me! I said get out!!!!"
That's when it happened.
The crash.
Two days before the note...
Okay, I may have already told you a lot of exciting things that have happened to me. Odd note, explosion, and more. But you don't really know me. You don't know the version of me that won a free scholarship to art school, the version of me that hangs out with my friends, the version of me who works at Starbucks. So, I'm going to let you know a bit more about myself.
7:00 am: I wake up, feed my brown tabby cat, Jimmy,(I would get a dog, but my apartment manager is allergic.), and start cooking breakfast. Preferably pancakes.
7:30 am: Pack bag for school and watch tv.
8:00 am: call Alex and Harrison and make plans for lunch.
8:30 am: Take cab to school.
9:00 am-12:00 pm: Attend school.
12:30 pm: have lunch with Harrison and Alex.
2:00 pm-6:00 pm: go to work.
6:30 pm: Go home, feed Jimmy, eat dinner.
7:00 pm: call mom and dad.
7:30 pm-9:00 pm: paint, read, tv, friends.
9:30 pm: sleep.
This is my life... At least, it was. Everything started to change two days later. That day I got that note. I miss that old life.
The day after the note:
The day after the note started of pretty normally. I went to school, went to Harrison's place for lunch, painted, played with Jimmy. It wasn't until dinner, that's when the day went all downhill.
I was having a taco at the food court in the mall, and that's when I noticed it. Somebody wrote on the wrapper of my taco. It said "Why didn't you listen to me! I said get out!!!!"
That's when it happened.
The crash.
Thursday, 22 January 2015
My thoughts about kingfisher.
I remember when I was I in grade 5, and I was going to kingfisher in the summer. We did lots of fun things like watch birds and learn about wildlife. I wondered what it would be like to stay there for 3 days in grade 6. I like where its located. It's not too far away from town but its not a long drive either. They get more snow over there then in the city. I like that its surrounded by lots of trees. The staff that work there are very kind and patient. Its just a really cool place to go. I'm really exited to go there this year. I do have some questions about kingfisher. Was kingfisher named by someone or something or did they just make it up? How long ago was kingfisher built? When are we going to be woken up in the morning? I usually don't like to go camping or anything that makes you stand outside for a long time. mostly because of mosquitos. Kingfisher just makes you want to come back again sometime. Last year, I saw a frog and some deer. It really gets the blood pumping. that's all I have to say. :D
The Plane Trip. (fiction story)
Hello. My name is Paul. Things weren't going very well today. I thought I needed a vacation, so I booked a flight to Vancouver. I got on the plane and, well, this is where my story begins. I found a seat next to a man who was on his IPad. I put all my luggage under my seat and sat down. About 20 minutes later, an announcement came on. "we are now taking off. please remained seated and have a safe flight." said the captain. I was very exited that we took off but things got hectic later on. It was 7:30pm. My seat wasn't very comfy and there was a baby crying somewhere behind me. The server came out with a cart with coffee and snacks. I was starving. There was a lot of talking on the plane and I was bored. The man sitting beside me was playing Pac Man on his IPad. I thought about what I was going to do when I got to Vancouver. First I was going to get a room at the luxury hotel and then I was going to Going to go have a meal at a restaurant. In the middle of thinking of what I was going to do next, I felt my legs burning. I suddenly realized that the server had spilled hot coffee on my lap. "I am so sorry" said the lady. "let me get a cloth to clean you up." she said. "It's okay. I'm sure it was an accident." I said. The server ran into the back of the plane and disappeared behind some curtains. I was angry enough but then this happened. A bag full of stuff just up above me fell from the rack and landed straight on my head. I was in pain and I had a headache now. I looked at the guy beside me because I wanted to give him a piece of my mind but he was asleep. I didn't wake him up because it wasn't his fault. A few seconds later, the server returned with a wet cloth. "here, take this." she said. I wiped myself up and gave the cloth back. "thank you," I said. What made this trip even more worse is that somebody was kicking my seat behind me. You may think this is bad, but wait until night comes. It as 11:42pm. I was exhausted from todays experience. I was about to drift off when somebody's phone rang. He picked it up and talked for 15 minutes. I tried going to sleep again but the man beside me was snoring. I tried ignoring him but he was too loud. I suddenly remembered that I had packed some earmuffs in my pack. I put them on. I fell asleep. I was awoken by somebody kicking my seat. He kept doing it for a few minutes but I knew I couldn't take it anymore. I looked at him with a mean eye and he stopped. I FINALLY fell asleep but I ended up only getting 3 hours of sleep. In the morning, I had toast for breakfast. I could hardly keep my eyes open. I checked my watch. It was 2:09am. Everybody had already woken up. "what a night" I said to myself. When I woke up, I was wondering what happened to my earmuffs. I looked down and lifted my foot. my earmuffs were split in half. I was so relieved when I heard this. "this is your captain speaking. we will be landing in five minutes. hope you enjoyed your flight." I decided to read a book I brought along with me. When I opened it, I knew it was unreadable. Half the pages were gone and the pages that remained were crumpled and slightly ripped. When we finally landed, I gathered all my stuff and got out. There was only one thing I could think of. "next time, I'm taking a train." The End.
Hope you enjoyed my story. Peace out!
Hope you enjoyed my story. Peace out!
Splitting Atoms. Part 2. By: Keira
An explosion.
I immediately turn around to see if it was the mall. If the note was serious, and not just a mean prank. But what I saw next blew my mind. The mall was still there. It was still standing. How? What just happened?
Then I remembered. Today was the day that the city was demolishing an old building to make a company. IYB inc, I believe. I think it stands for International Yellowhead bank. But it's nice to know that a mall filled with hundreds of people in it hasn't been destroyed with explosives.
"What were you saying?" I asked Alex.
"I was saying that this was probably just some mean prank, or it had to do something with a game, like truth or dare." She said.
"Yeah. You're probably right..." I say.
"Hey, who's up for some pizza?" Asks Harrison.
"Sounds great!" Says Alex.
We go back to my apartment to eat some pizza, watch some Television, and maybe veiw some of my art.
The pizza guy comes by and gives us the food. Normal Saturday evening.
"That pizza box is the same colour as my favourite sweater." Alex says.
"Yeah. It's a really nice shade of purple." I say.
"So, what should we watch?" Asks Harrison.
"Let's see what's on." I say.
I look down at the remote to check what's on, and I notice that 1/4 of the nail on my thumb is gone. Just like that! For some scientifically impossible reason, it's not bleeding. But when I blink, it's back.
"Everything okay, Sarah?" Asks Harrison.
"Yeah. It's fine... So, tv. Let's see what's on." I say.
I was probably just imagining that a bit of my thumb just disappeared . It was probably nothing.
Yeah. It was nothing..... I think.
To be continued...
"What were you saying?" I asked Alex.
"I was saying that this was probably just some mean prank, or it had to do something with a game, like truth or dare." She said.
"Yeah. You're probably right..." I say.
"Hey, who's up for some pizza?" Asks Harrison.
"Sounds great!" Says Alex.
We go back to my apartment to eat some pizza, watch some Television, and maybe veiw some of my art.
The pizza guy comes by and gives us the food. Normal Saturday evening.
"That pizza box is the same colour as my favourite sweater." Alex says.
"Yeah. It's a really nice shade of purple." I say.
"So, what should we watch?" Asks Harrison.
"Let's see what's on." I say.
I look down at the remote to check what's on, and I notice that 1/4 of the nail on my thumb is gone. Just like that! For some scientifically impossible reason, it's not bleeding. But when I blink, it's back.
"Everything okay, Sarah?" Asks Harrison.
"Yeah. It's fine... So, tv. Let's see what's on." I say.
I was probably just imagining that a bit of my thumb just disappeared . It was probably nothing.
Yeah. It was nothing..... I think.
To be continued...
Wednesday, 21 January 2015
Story Time!
There once was an 13 year old boy named John. John was walking down the sidewalk when something caught his eye. He looked in a store window. The store had a bike in the window as a display. John wanted it. John said " wow! it comes with painted flames, heated seat, gears, a bell, helmet, knee pads, and a cup holder." John went into the store and asked the cashier how much the bike was in the window. " four hundred and thirty four dollars. " John pulled out his wallet and looked inside. nothing. John walked out disappointed. Suddenly he had an idea! John would have a lawn sale! He ran home and gathered all his unused clothes, toys, sports equipment, and lots of other stuff he didn't need. " man, look at all this stuff. its a gold mine! " John thought he wouldn't get too many costumers because nobody knew about his sale. John ran inside his house and got paper and markers. he was going to make posters! John put his addrss on the posters, and his message. he hung them around the neighborhood for people to see them. John went back home to wait for people to come. at the end of the day, John had sold most of his stuff and had made four hundred and twelve dollars. " yes! I only have to make twenty two dollars more!" John closed his lawn sale and went inside to watch television. John was going to watch the local news when he saw the main story. about 6400 people downtown had lost their homes because there was a problem with the pipes and lots of peoples houses have flooded. John felt sad. The news said if anyone would like to donate money for the families that have lost their homes were to go to the news station to donate. John felt sort of guilty. He decided he doesn't need a bike and that the homeless people did. John donated all of his money to the homeless people and went back home. Three days later, John woke up and went outside. By the mailbox was a very large package. he read the card attached to the package. It said "were really grateful that you donated all that money to us so we've decided to return the favor." John opened the package and his eyes stared. inside the package was the bike he wanted! John didn't know what to say. John sent letter back to the news station. "your welcome."
Splitting Atoms. Part one. Keira's fiction story.
Hi. My name is Sarah. I honestly don't know how to tell you everything that's happened to me. It's... Complicated. Really, really complicated. I guess I'll start off by telling you my name and a bit about myself. My name is Sarah Baker. I'm 21 years old and I live in Toronto. I have long, curly, dark red hair and emerald green eyes. I also have small freckles under my eyes and over my nose. I have peachy skin and I'm 5'8. I wear a black leather jacket and a tee-shirt that is the same emerald green that my eyes are, and very dark blue jeans. I go to an art collage in Toronto. If I had to describe myself in three words, I would say I'm artistic, smart, and nice.
Okay, so. I was at the food court in the mall. I was waiting for my friends Alex and Harrison.
Alex has thick, shoulder length, brown hair. She has pale skin and dark blue eyes. She is an average height and wears calm coloured sweaters and black jeans. If I had to describe her in three words, I would say she is nice, clever, and calm.
Harrison, however, has black skin and short black hair. He is 6'1, and has brown eyes. He wears rock band tee-shirts and black jeans. I would describe him as nice, funny, and smart.
So, I was eating my sub, when out of nowhere, I bite into a note. It said " don't let him find you! Get out of here!"
I look around to see if I can find the guy who gave me the sandwich, and possibly the note. But I was to late. He finished his shift.
I start running.
I passed by so many people on my way out.
One of which, had dark purple eyes and blonde hair with purple tips at the end. He looked different than anybody else here, yet I felt like I knew him. But I kept running.
On my way out, I bump into Alex and Harrison.
"We need to talk." I say.
They don't question me. They just start walking.
"I got a note. I don't know what it means." I say, while showing them the note.
Alex is about to say something when we hear it.
It was an explosion.
To be continued...
Okay, so. I was at the food court in the mall. I was waiting for my friends Alex and Harrison.
Alex has thick, shoulder length, brown hair. She has pale skin and dark blue eyes. She is an average height and wears calm coloured sweaters and black jeans. If I had to describe her in three words, I would say she is nice, clever, and calm.
Harrison, however, has black skin and short black hair. He is 6'1, and has brown eyes. He wears rock band tee-shirts and black jeans. I would describe him as nice, funny, and smart.
So, I was eating my sub, when out of nowhere, I bite into a note. It said " don't let him find you! Get out of here!"
I look around to see if I can find the guy who gave me the sandwich, and possibly the note. But I was to late. He finished his shift.
I start running.
I passed by so many people on my way out.
One of which, had dark purple eyes and blonde hair with purple tips at the end. He looked different than anybody else here, yet I felt like I knew him. But I kept running.
On my way out, I bump into Alex and Harrison.
"We need to talk." I say.
They don't question me. They just start walking.
"I got a note. I don't know what it means." I say, while showing them the note.
Alex is about to say something when we hear it.
It was an explosion.
To be continued...
That one time..
Well a couple of weeks ago I went over to my best friend Rylee's house and then we were on Facebook with each other and then we saw this picture of a mini hotel in France and we were literally laughing for 10mins at it and we just looked at each other and burst out laughing again for like 15mins. Lol :3 good times ahh I love her :3 xD
Media Test Today!
Today, our class has a Media Test! I was trying to study until 12:30 AM for the test. :3 I even tried to hypnotize myself to improve my memory... I was watching a swirly thingy for 17 minutes 26 seconds! I don't know if it actually improved my memory because most of the things on the internet is a hoax, so until the test, I hope it works! I wish everyone who takes the test the best of luck and keep trying if you get stuck. I'M SO FABULOUS THAT I'M GONNA ACE THIS TEST! Nah, I usually get stuff wrong. ^_^ Everyone's FABULOUS AND ARE GOING TO ACE IT! :D I didn't get far on studying but I tried. :3 Good luck Grade Sixes! Thanks for reading! Buh-bye! :D
When We Got Hypnotized...
Back in 2014, I went over to my amigo's house, Jewel. We were bored so we decided to do hypnosis'. Sylvia was also over, and she wasn't so fond of the idea. Me and Jewel did hypnosis' that made you see things, one that was supposed to make you fall asleep, and one that made you laugh uncontrollably for one whole hour. May I remind you that me and Jewel put together is like Mentos and Diet Coke, we explode and don't mix well together. So being the people we are, we did the laughing hypnosis and we laughed at the most STUPIDEST things ever! I'm talking about we even laughed at "why did the chicken cross the road?"! Sylvia couldn't stand our laughing, so she left and me and Jewel continued doing more idiotic hypnosis's. The end. :3
Would you Rather....
1. Live on only water and salad
2. Sleep on a bed of spiders!
Comment what you would do!
2. Sleep on a bed of spiders!
Comment what you would do!
Does anyone else hate this?
Does anyone else hate when you run out of food in your house? I sure hate it Lol well comment if you hate it or does anyone else hate it when a mouse steals you cookie?? Or when you give a mouse a cookie?? :3
Tuesday, 20 January 2015
My Amazing Routine
Yesterday I went to Tim Horton's for my favorite, little snack! An Old Fashion Glazed doughnut and an amazing cup of French Vanilla coffee. I know that coffee isn't the best for kids, but I was feeling really tired and needed something other than candy to wake me up. I usually go outside to try to wake myself up, but the cold air makes me feel tired. So, I first got my brother to through snow into my face, slipped on ice, and DROVE TO TIM HORTON'S!!! Thanks for reading this! :D
Target Opinion
I think that Target should not be closing because of various reasons. First off, THERE WON'T BE ANY STARBUCKS IN THE MALL! The closest one is across the street, and not many people would want to go all the way across the street to get a coffee. The only plus side to this is now Tim Horton's will get more sales. Also, what's going to go into the empty space?! Some people are thinking some type of play place, but honestly who would want to hear a whole bunch of kids screaming and running around while your shopping or eating? This is my opinion on the closing of Target, and can someone please answer me on why it's closing even?
5 More Minutes!
Don't you just hate having to wake up in the morning and your all like I don't wanna get up. come back later!
Welcome to my Blog!
Hey! I'm Sylvia. Welcome to my page! I'm excited to start communicating with you! Stick around for pictures, videos, and more! ;)
Monday, 19 January 2015
My cookie loving Wookie poem. By: Keira
I once had a cookie,
I gave it to a Wookie,
That made me very sad.
But then I looked at his face,
Every square space,
He seemed to be very glad.
So I bought another,
I got the money from my mother,
But then I dropped it and got very mad.
Then I saw the Wookie,
He said that we could share the cookie,
And after that nothing was bad!
I gave it to a Wookie,
That made me very sad.
But then I looked at his face,
Every square space,
He seemed to be very glad.
So I bought another,
I got the money from my mother,
But then I dropped it and got very mad.
Then I saw the Wookie,
He said that we could share the cookie,
And after that nothing was bad!
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