Saturday 2 April 2016


  So, today I walked down to St.James. It was a surprisingly cold day considering it's April (But I guess that's what this city's like), But it was nice. I see that you've changed the pavement out front. It looks really good. I can't wait until the swings are put up! That will be a lot of fun. I saw all the rocks that we would jump on, and the trees that we would play tree tag on. I'm still awful at the rock climbing wall. There was mud on the soccer field, just like every year. I remember in grade 5, playing in the mud was so fun. It still is, but it's just not the same. There were four people when I arrived, two parents, two kids, but they left quickly... Our new school is great and all, but it's just not the same.  I'll always miss St.James.

  Sorry if this post is a bit odd. It's 01:42 in the morning(I started using 24 hour clock), So this won't be the greatest formed post ever... I really need to go to sleep.

  Thanks for everything, St.James.

Tuesday 12 January 2016

Looking for Volunteers

Hey everyone,

Mrs. Oades has asked that I send out a notice to see if any of you former St. James students would like to come out and volunteer this Thursday night (January 14th) from 6-8pm? We would love to have the extra help and it could give you an opportunity to connect with St. James again.

Anyone who happens to see this post please pass on the invitation.

You can respond via the blog, Twitter, email, or call the school.


Mr. Purdon

Friday 11 December 2015

Urgent!!!! I need a few video clips!

I know that this is very short notice, but I'm looking for help from you guys. Ms. Larson is retiring and I want to put a short video together where students are saying what they liked best about her and what they remember most about her. If someone wants to do a few video clips of students who had her as a teacher and can get those to me via email or share another way, I'd really appreciate it. I think Ms. Larson would too.

Time is of the essence..... I'd need clips by Wednesday December 16th at the latest.

Mr. Purdon

Thursday 26 November 2015

The "Brad" rap. By:Keira, Chloe, and Jewel.

 So let me tell you how this all started. One day, Chloe brought these little 3D animal erasers with attachable and detachable body parts. One day, we lost the heads of the giraffe and koala bear. So, I put the body of the koala onto where the head of the giraffe went, without the yellow of giraffes body, and made Brad. We like Brad so much that we made a rap about him. Here's how it goes...

Brad rap

It's Brad,
He's a little British lad,
Who lives with his dad,
In the little man pad,

It's Brad,
He may be French just a tad,
His best friend is Chad
In math he can add,

He's Brad,
He thinks Webkinz are a fad,
He only wears plaid,
And his landlord is Vlad,

It's Brad,
He's really, really rad,
Sometimes he's sad,
But mostly he's glad,

It's Brad,
A hat is something he had,
He rarely gets mad,
It's Brad,

Yeah, yeah,
Oh yeah,
It's Brad!

Monday 19 October 2015

New and improved chating chain

I figured we should start a new chatting chain over the year incase somee one is sick they can tell us on here.

We all miss you.

All of us at Vance Chapman miss st James but we like Vance its a fun school.
 This year we have started play an interment I chose trumpet. We have also started rotary from different classrooms and history/geography is fun. Thats all I have for now bye we miss you Mr.Purdon.

P.S. How is your class at St James Mr.Purdon?

Tuesday 8 September 2015

Something I needed to say! :)

Hello, everybody! Wow, haven't posted on this in a while... My laptops broken again! Right now I'm on my iPhone and it's working pretty well! I just wanted to say that I wish the best of luck in grade 7 and I wish you luck with the grade 6s this year. :) 
In the week that I've been at Vance Chapman, everyone has been pretty nice! And yes, I know sometimes it's hard to be yourself and make new friends there but the key to make friends is to be your nice and friendly self! And then get them to sign a form saying they can't back out of this friendship... So once they sign it, they're stuck with you and you can be your crazy, kind, funny self! ^.^ Hahaha, I'd just skip the form and be myself if I were you. ;) 
Teachers can be scary for a while but not because you think they're mean or anything, it's because you don't really know them and you start to think that if you do something wrong, they'll think of you differently. Don't even think about that! The best way to become familiar with a teacher is to talk to them, have conversations! Teachers aren't meant to frighten you, they're meant to be a guide and help you with any problems even if the problems happen outside of school. They are a helping hand for you. If you have any concerns about your teacher, talk to them, or your parents, or even the principal! The school can always book a private parent-teacher interview. 
Hopefully everyone had an amazing summer! I know most people don't want to go back to school but you need the education to help you in life. I find it funny when people come to school and act like they hate it, but then at the end of the year, they don't want to leave! :D Just think on the bright side of things and it will sure get you through the year! 
I am pretty sad about leaving St. James... I've been there for 8 years so it was like a home to me. It's not just the school itself that I miss, but I really miss all of the teachers there, and my friends there. The memories of it makes me think about how I'm never going back... Sure I had my ups and downs there but they helped me learn and every mistake that I made helped me become a better student. Look at me now! I have successfully completed 8 years of my life and it's all because of the teachers who taught me and my friends who helped me understand! I feel like I'm doing well in school at this point because I pay attention and every time I start to day dream, I remind myself that this lesson will help me in life and that I need to pay attention if I want to go to a great college and do well in life, So SNAP! I quickly start to pay attention! Maybe you guys could try this if you get off track! :)
Lastly, I know that everyone will do amazing this year! Not everyone is at Vance so just to make it clear, I'm talking to everyone no matter what school you go to. I would enjoy to see you soon, Mr. Purdon! :) And yes, I am going to invite teachers from St. James to come to the grade 8 graduation next year! ^.^ For everyone going to Vance, I'll see you tomorrow, for everyone going to another school, I hope to see you soon, and for all of the teachers at St. James, I know that I'll see you soon c: 
Okie dokie! I will try to post more chapters of my book but today I just wanted to focus on school! Have a great year! Mkay, bye! :D

Wednesday 2 September 2015

How's life at Vance?

Things at St. James have got off to a smooth start, except that our photocopier has been broken for 8 days and the power went out first thing yesterday!
I hope your transition to intermediate is smooth. I know you all will do well.

Thursday 6 August 2015

Disinfect the Scene. Part One. By Keira.

  "Adam." She whispers, as her lip quivers in fear."P-P-Please." A single tear rolls down her cheek. Her bright, blue eyes, filled with not only fear, but hope. Not even her grey jacket could make her feel safe and secure tonight. Our eyes meet each other, ignoring our busy surroundings. We both know what will happen. She looks down at her black sneakers, with a face of disappointment."Jane," I mutter, overwhelmed by guilt and regret."I-I love you."I stutter. She looks down and gives a small, sad smile."I know." She whispers, gently. She then puts her hand over mine, grazing my ring, and reaches for the gun, which is hidden in my belt loop, under my long jacket. She then props it up against her head, trembling with fear."Jane, please." I say, feeling extremely overwhelmed. She looks at me, only for a split second, and then looks down at our matching wedding rings, and gives a faint smile. She looks back up to me, her hand still on top of mine, and pushes down my index finger. Bang. She's dead. She falls to the ground, and I collapse beside her. I stroke her pale skin for the last time, wishing that things had gone differently. Everything around me fades to black. I start to run my hands through my short, brown hair, in fear of what just happened. What did I just do? Why did I do it? Why did she make me pull the trigger? But most importantly, why am I still alive?

  I wake up in a pool of sweat, terrified of my dream.

  My name is Adam Smith. 

  And I killed my wife.

 To Be Continued.....

 Special thanks to the music video Breezeblocks by alt-J for the inspiration.  

Favourite songs.

What's your favourite song? Post in the comments below!

Wednesday 15 July 2015

I miss you all including you mr. Purdon

If you miss anyone or all of us from school (including teachers) say who and tell why i miss you all and all the teachers. Come and check out my blog. Miss you all can't wait to see most of you at Vance bye have a safe summer.

Friday 26 June 2015

Let's start a chatting chain!

Hi guys! So, a lot of you have no way whatsoever of contacting me or some of the other kids in our class. So, I thought we can use this blog(specifically this post) to talk to each other. Please comment down below so I can talk to you! Thanks!-Keira

Thursday 18 June 2015


Think for a moment. Think of your future YouTube channel. What would the name of it be?
And Also what would you do on it?

The name of mine would be PSplayer200.

I would play Minecraft, GTA V, Battlefront I and II, the Spyro series, and CoD Z.

I would also make daily vlogs.

Who wants to start one?

Tragedy- Part 6

Ow, stick in the thigh. And... Over a tree root. That's not fun. 
I get dragged by my underarms deep into the forest. The rain is still coming down in large amounts and my clothes are probably now more mud than they are clothes. Sticks, rocks, and mud come shooting up as this strange person pulls me. Then a thought occurs to me. I'm currently being dragged through the forest by a total and complete stranger, my car doors are still open, I have no clue where I'm being taken, and yet I'm not screaming or calling out for help. Well it's never to late to start.
So I scream. I yell, I scream, and I call out for help. 
"HELP! GRIFFIN! HEEEEELLLP!" I stop and gasp for air. Maybe screaming isn't the best idea saying that I have a bag over my head... Who cares. 
I stop screaming immediately. I swear I just heard a gun being loaded. I'm not being pulled anymore. No no no. My eyes begin to water and my lips quiver. I try not to cry out but I'm so terrified that my forehead begins to hurt. I let out a whimper and then a heavy foot stomps on the ground sending up sparks of mud.
"Say one more word and I shoot!" Booms the stranger. The voice sounds like it belongs to a woman.
The lady rips the bag off of my head and throws it into the forest. I take in a big breath and look behind me. The rain is still falling but I can see a woman with pixie-cut brown hair and clothes that look like they haven't been properly washed in weeks. Her jeans and T-shirt are coated in a thick layer of dirt and her skin is dirty and drenched. She looks at me and turns me around by the shoulders with one hand, as the other hand is occupied by a gun. The woman lets me go and holds the gun steadily in front of me.
"Who are you?" Says the woman through a loud boom of thunder and heavy rain.
I don't respond.
"I said, who are you?" Says the lady, louder than before.
I decide that she may shoot if I don't answer.
"I'm Dr- Drew A-A-Andrews." I say in a worried voice.
The woman lowers the gun and moves closer to me. She kneels down and takes out a hunting knife that she puts behind my back. I start to hyperventilate, but then I calm down as the lady only cuts the rope that was binding my hands together. She rises and looks at me with a puzzled look.


What is your favorite BMX color?

Tuesday 16 June 2015

What could I post

1. Vid games

2. Bmx

3.  Lego

What could do in the summer

What could I do in the summer

1. Ride my bmx

2. Go camping in my rv

3. Be with my friends

4. Go to the pool

Post in the comments

Splitting Atoms Anouncement.

Hey guys. I wanted to tell you that I'm re-writing Splitting Atoms on my other blog. Feel frree to read it!

What To Build?

If you build stuff on Minecraft, what do you make? Comment below!

Wednesday 27 May 2015

My top 5 editions for Minecraft

My top 5 editions for Minecraft

#5: PlayStation3
#4: PlayStation4
#3: Xbox One
#2: Xbox 360
#1: PC (Computer)

Make your own list! Remember, there are 7 editions-

PC (Computer)
Xbox 360
PSV (PlayStationVita)
Xbox One

I only play on PS3, PS4, and PE. I say PE is the worst edition.
Take the time to make your own Top 5!

Monday 25 May 2015

Back In Time: Part 4

 My heart stops. My eyes began to tear up. My whole body shakes.
"M-Mom?" My voice quivered as I ran to give my mom a hug.
"Whoa! Honey, what's wrong? Is everything okay?" The sound of her voice made me calm, excited, and the warmth of her hug made me feel so, so, so safe. I had my mom back. I had the one who gave me life, who helped me up when I fell down, who made me feel happy when I was sad or frustrated, the one who was with me before the... The accident!
"Mom, what day is it? Tell me! Please tell me!" I yelled in worry, my eyes widened as I shook her arms. I needed to know. I don't want her to die! I need to keep her safe!
"Debbie! What's wrong with you? You are acting we-"
"What day is it?! What year is it?! Tell me!" I then become frustrated, she wasn't answering my question! I need to keep her safe! Wait... If you go back in time, there's going to be another you... So if I'm here, where's the other me?
"Deb, I thought you went to Amber's house, how are you here?" My mom's face then changed from surprised, to concerned, she probably thinks I'm nuts or something... I have to make an excuse of why I'm here so she won't be suspicious.
"I felt really sick and um... I came home, I didn't want Amber to be alone for the weekend, so I invited her over and I didn't think you'd mind. Ok, about the date, please tell me it!" My heart drops, lying to my mother was the worst thing I could, well, the worst thing I COULD do is murder and such, but lying to the one who I love dearly, especially a dead loved one, made me feel like I was going to puke...
"Ok, because you want to know SO MUCH! It's December 31, 2017. Go get some rest, I'll get Amber to bring you soup when it's done. Ok?" Her voice sounds like thousands of angels singing, a light, quiet, kind voice. I missed it so much.
"Oh, I don't need any soup, Mommy! I just want to know when you're going to work, so, when are you going to work?"
"I'm leaving for work in 3 hours, I'll be home by 11:00, just before new years!" I need to find out what the heck is happening! How do I stop her from going to work and how do I get back to 2019?
Wait, where's my dad?
"Hey, Mommy, where's Dad?"
"Oh, he's in the garage working on the car. What kind of soup do y-" Before I let her finish I was out the door. I have to tell my Dad what's going on."
"Daddy!" I try to yell over the sound of the car engine, I could see the oil and dirt of his pants, ugh, it smells like gasoline in here!
"Daddy!" I yell again, even louder. He sprinted up banging his head against the bottom of the car, I giggle a little as he gets up to wipe off his forehead with the palm of his hand which leaves a black stripe across his eyebrow line.
"Daddy, I need to tell you something, it's very important!"
"Sure, Honey, what is it?" He doesn't really sound concern, he sounds tired, and is voice sounds raspy.
"Ok, day before yesterday it was 2019! Then, somehow I went back in time and got here, to 2017, Mom wasn't alive and you were mad at Drake and I for having a party, Amber was with me and, somehow we just went back in time! Please believe me, Daddy!" I knew I can't explain what was happening to my mom because first, she would see if I bonked my head, second, she would get mad at me because I would say she was DEAD, and third, she'd think I was crazy!
"Haha, funny story, Debbie, but you shouldn't kid about death, and going back in time? Seriously? That's impossible!"
Impossible. The word strikes me with a thousand meanings. Can't happen, anything but possible, impractical. The thing is, it IS possible!
"No, Dad, it is, it is possible! It was just 2019 a day ago, and then somehow I came back to 2017! It's like, like I was suppose to come back here, like I was bound to go back in time!" For sure he thinks I'm a wacko, he's the only one I can trust to keep this a secret. Mom would tell her friends and Drake is a blabber mouth so he would tell his stupid girlfriend Lane and she would tell all of her friends that I belong in a mental asylum or so9mething stupid like that, and then her friends would play the game telephone then start spreading rumors... 
"Hun, go have a rest, seriously, you look a little sick." With that, he hugs me lightly trying not to leave any oil stains on my shirt and kisses me gently on my forehead.
"Daddy, please wake me up before 2:30, before mom goes to work, pretty please?"
"Ok, I promise, now go rest up, maybe that "time travelling" thing will go away after a nice, relaxing rest."
With that, I slowly leave the room. Before I'm completely gone, I hear something my dad said but I can't quite make it out.
"What as that, Dad?"
"Oh, nothing." I see him smile a bit, that's when I walk out the door and to m room.
"Oh no, she knows to much..."

Friday 22 May 2015

Tragedy- Part 5

I look at Griffin for a while then burst out laughing. "You- you actually believe that-that I have a destiny in this-this little HOUSE?!" I say while laughing so hard I begin to get cramps.
I look at her again after I rub my eyes. She's looking at me with a straight face. That's when I realize that she isn't joking. I try to calm down then say, "So... are you gonna say something?"
"What do you want me to say?" Says Griffin as she picks her fingernails.
"Fine," starts Griffin. "You remember how last year your grandfather died because of those numbers?"
I nod and think Why wouldn't I? I had like a 14 hour dream last night about me trying to figure out where they came from. Those dolls are still freaking me out...
Griffin continues. "He tried to track down where the radio signals were coming from and they lead him here."
Radio signals...? Oh, yeah! His car radio kept on getting blocked by these radio things with the numbers repeating.
"How'd he track them here?" I ask.
She clears her throat. "Now that I don't really know, but I do know that when he found this place, that's when he went insane. I think this place is cursed by those numbers, but others may differ."
I look at the windshield. Rain hits it and I hear the distant roar of thunder. Then a thought occurs to me. How does she know this?
"I thank you for all the information, but how the heck do you know this?" I say questionably.
She stares at me, purses her lips, then bolts out of the car. I look shocked at her momentarily then run after her. The dirt driveway has now turned into mud and my clothes get coated in it. I try to look through the rain to find Griffin, but I can't see her anywhere. I then see a shape moving in the trees and I run towards it. I try to run as fast as I can, but when you're wearing heels, you can't really go that fast. The figure moves further into the forest and I continue to run at it. I run and run until I notice that the figure has disappeared. I stop and pull my hair back with my fingers.
"Griffin!" I yell.
No response. "Griffin!" I yell even louder.
"GRIFFIN!" I scream at the top of my lungs.
I begin to tear up and I yell one more time.
But that's before a bag gets put over my head and I get dragged into the forest.

Question of the Day

If you had to pick one place anywhere in the world to stay for the rest of your life, where would it be?

What's your favorite video game?

One of my favorites are the Spyro series.

What's yours?

Tell me in the comments!


I constantly worry, never really stops. And it's usually about stuff that doesn't even matter. I can't even sleep some nights because of what I think about. I'm usually lost in thoughts. Let's put it this way, you only know a part of me. If I were to explain further, I only share not even half of what goes on in my head. Stuff kids say to me I have a hard time forgetting. I damages you confidence and messes with your head. Especially when you already have 99 problems. People I know think that I'm someone totally different than I really am. Nobody knows. I guess in your own mind you view yourself as a freak who's completely insane. That would be me. I wish I was better at telling people how I feel, or that they could be the slightest bit empathetic. To say the least I realize that people can relate, and that it's not just me.


Leave comments saying what you want me to do on here, and I will do it!

Minecraft...FINAL UPDATE?!?! What do you do on Minecraft?

The city is complete!! Are you gonna build a city? Tell me what you do on Minecraft, I would really like it!

How you spend your weekend

What do you do on the weekend?

Thursday 14 May 2015

New Minecraft City

Well, I have another update series coming right now. A new City on Minecraft. It doesn't have a name at the moment, but let's get to the important stuff! First of all the streets are made from cyan-stained clay instead of black wool. The fire hydrants are different too, but I won't be explaining that. Right now I'm working on a area where the roads are made out of normal bricks. It's going to be awesome! Streets in that area are Evergreen Boulevard,Oak Avenue, Tamarack Drive, Cedar Close, Maple Place, Poplar Circle, Acadia Square, Spruce Square, Juniper Point, Birch Wynd, and Birch Gate. I ran out of time to do more of this, unfortunately.

Tuesday 12 May 2015

Tragedy- Part 4

"Drew? Wake up or you're going to be late for your interview!"
I moan and say "Where am I? Who are you?" 
The person lightly slaps me in the face and grunts. "It's me, Drew! You slept in!" 
"What?" I croak.
"You have a job interview at 10:00. It's 9:24!"
"What are you talking about?" I say. "I don't have an interview. Now whoever you are, get out of my house or I'll-"
That's when I snap back into reality. My interview. Griffin. Oh no. I quickly open my eyes and jump out of bed. I run to the washroom, brush my hair and teeth, throw on some perfume, some makeup, and rush out of there. I look at my clock. 9:41. I sprint to my closet and throw on a pair of blue jeans, a white blouse, and some black pumps. I the rush out the door while still putting on one of my heels, get into the passenger seat of Griffin's car, and drive to my interview.
We pull up in front of the building, which is pretty spectacular. Roses and marigolds line the outside of the restaurant and wooden railings trace the walls, adding a beautiful rustic feel to the place.
"Good luck!" Shouts Griffin as I walk up the stairs to the main doors.
I wave at her, then walk in.
"Welcome!" Exclaims a woman with short brown hair. "I'm Willow Grey and if you could just follow me, I'll lead you to Mr. Geller's office."
I look at here for a moment and think Why does she look so familiar?
"Um," I say, "I'm sorry to bother you, but have we met before? Like, besides inside this restaurant?"
She hesitates and says "No... I don't think so. People do say, though that I remind them of Rita Ora, just with different facial features."
I smile and she does the same.We walk down a short hallway lined with beautiful painting and plants. I keep on going over in my mind of where on Earth could I have seen Willow before until we reach a door that says 'manager' on it. The lady opens the door and in a black leather office chair sits a man in a red and black flannel with hazel eyes and neat-yet-messy hair.
"Hello," Says Mr.Geller as he stands up to shake my hand. "I'm Mr. Geller, the owner of Lacuna. Please, take a seat," He gestures towards a wooden chair with black leather cushions on the back and bottom of the chair.
"Hi, I'm Drew Andrews and I just wanted to start off by saying I have admired your restaurant for some time now and it would be an honor to get a job as a chef here. Sorry, I just wanted to get that out of the way." I say as I start to blush a bit.
"It's okay. So, what got you interested in cooking?" Says Mr. Geller.
"Well," I start. "My mother was a chef at a high end restaurant in New York, and she would teach me how to cook simple things like cake, omelets, and pasta. She then signed me up for cooking classes, which got me even more in love with the idea of being a chef. Now I've worked at only three restaurants and I am totally obsessed with cooking."
"Wonderful. I'll give you a call as soon as possible," Says Mr. Geller.
I smile and say my goodbyes. I leave the restaurant and get into Griffin's car.
"So... How'd it go?" She says enthusiastically.
"I won't know until he calls me back," I reply.
She nods and starts driving. It's not until about 10 minutes into driving that I realize we're going the wrong way.
"Um, Grif, Where're we going?" I ask.
"You'll see," She says.
I sit back into my chair and turn up the radio. 'All Of Me' by John Legend is playing and I hear Griffin quietly singing to herself. I let out a small giggle and look back onto the road. By now I've realized we've been going in the wrong direction for at least 25 minutes and I start to get worried.
"Grif, where are we going for real?" I ask nervously.
She just smirks and continues driving. I begin to play with my fingers, which I now find is a habit of mine when I get nervous. The sky gets dark and it begins to rain. Typical March weather. Griffin's wiper blades swish back and forth and I watch the rain land on the windshield in abstract patterns. The car then takes a sharp turn to the left and Griffin begins to drive up a long dirt driveway. We arrive in front of an old house that has to have only 4 rooms and I stare at it blankly.
"You brought me all the way out here to see a stupid shack?" I ask in awe.
"It's more then a shack, Drew." Explains Griffin.
"Really?" I say. "Because to me it looks like a beaten down old hut that probably hasn't been used in over a zillion years. So please, tell me why it's more than just a shack."
"It's more than a shack because it holds your- your-"
"My WHAT!" I exclaim
"It's holds your destiny." She says.

Tuesday 5 May 2015

Tragedy- Part 3

I wake in a meadow. The sky is clear, the birds are chirping, and the wind is hardly even there. I sit in the middle of all this thinking What? How did I get here?
I'm utterly confused, but I decide that sitting here won't do me any good, so I get up and move a couple steps back. The wind then begins to pick up. The leafs in the trees are stirring in a twister like shape and their soft, pale green is now turning into... black. The birds stop chirping and the crystal clear sky turns into grey and smoky olive. The wind throws my hair all over my face and threatens to rip my clothes off of me. I push my hair back and see something odd in the distance.
Coming over the hills is some sort of cement. It coats the trees, hills, and some of the innocent animals that graze the meadow. The cement stops and quickly goes backwards towards where it came from, taking everything it covered with it so that there is only mounds of dirt and sand.
I stare blankly at the scene until I hear a voice whispering something, but I can't make out what it's saying. It then gets louder. "A man of words and not of deeds, is like a garden full of weeds."
 I then realize it's not just one voice, it's a choir of children. I look around to see where the voices are coming from, but I can't see anything. Everything has gone black. I stumble around in the darkness, looking for something to hold me steady, as the room seems to be rocking side to side.
"And when the weeds begin to grow, it's like a garden full of snow." The voices say, slow and scary. All of the sudden two red lights flash for an instant in front of me. I try to slow my breathing, but I'm way too panicked to even fathom what is happening.
"And when the snow begins to fall, it's like a bird upon a wall." Say the children.
There! Again! The red lights. Except instead of one set, there are four identical pairs of red lights. They fade away into the blackness.
"And when the bird away does fly, it's like an eagle in the sky." The choir seems to be getting closer, which sends me into extreme panic.
"And when the sky begins to roar, it's like a lion at the door." Closer.
"And when the door begins to crack, it's like a stick across your back." The lights flash on and off. At least 12 pairs.
"And when your back begins to smart, it's like a penknife in your heart." The voices are so close now. Calm down. No, not happening. I play with my fingers and move backwards. My face gets hot and tears roll down my face. I've never been this scared in my life.
"And when your heart begins to bleed," Say the children, more mellow but stick scary and raspy. I panic and I feel something warm and sticky in the palms of my hands. Blood.
"You're dead, and dead, and dead indeed!" Finish the children, almost screaming.
I stop crying and steady my breathing. All of the sudden a light goes on, like the type you see in old interrogation offices. I notice I'm sitting in an old rocking chair.
"Tell us a story." Says a voice.
I twist my body around to see at least 15 old dolls staring at me. One has a horrific smile and says "Tell us a story. We shared with you our voices, now speak."
"What?" I ask.
"Tell us a story," Says the creepy doll. Her smile goes into a frown and the other dolls frown with her. "Tell us a story about some numbers. We like them."
I stare anxiously at them. "Numbers? Wh- what are you talking about?" I say, as I fake a smile.
"The ones that killed your Papa. Six, seventeen, fourteen, thirty nine, one." Says the doll.
"Six, seventeen, fourteen, thirty nine, one." Repeat the rest of the dolls. "Six, seventeen, fourteen, thirty nine, one."
I rise from the rocking chair and move away from the dolls.
"Where are you going? You haven't told us a story yet. We get very angry." Says a doll with torn overalls and ripped out eyes.
"Yes. Now tell us a story, Drew. Tell us a story." Says the frowning doll.
"No." I say.
The dolls all rise. I blink, and there they all are, staring at me.
"Too bad." Says a doll with a burlap sack over its head.
"Goodbye." They all say.
And with that, the dolls all take sharp needles out of their legs and stab me with them. I scream from the pain and the dolls disappear, just before the wooden floor cracks and I fade into the darkness.

Blog announcement.

Hey guys! I just wanted to say that I will start posting less and less on this blog. The reason for this is that I started my own blog this weekend. If you would like to continue reading what I have to say, come check out my blog, "The Awesome Perspective". If you have trouble finding it, all you have to do is click my name on the contributors list, and look at the blogs I follow/own. It'll be there. I will continue posting on that blog after the end of the school year, so if you would like to continue to read what I have to say from grade 7 and up, all you have to do is go there. Okay, that's all I have to say for now. See you tomorrow. :)

Cats, Rats, and Minutes Math Problem

 6 cats can kill 6 rats in 6 minutes.
 How many cats can kill 100 rats in 50 minutes? 

I'm Absolutely Amazed!

I really haven't had a chance to read the blog recently, but I was totally amazed at the writing that has taken place. It is so cool to see you sharing your stories, poems, and thoughts here. I truly enjoy reading everything you write!

Keep up the great work. 

Saturday 2 May 2015

Tragedy- Part Two

"That'll be $14.65," Says the cab driver.
I willingly hand over the money and walk out of the taxi. I do have my own car, but it's in the shop due to some problems with the motor. The cool fall breeze carries the sounds of cars and chatter through the air. This may be a small town, but there sure is a lot of noise. I walk up the paved walkway, walk up the stairs, and grab my grandfathers house key from out of my pocket. I unlock the door, and walk in.
It's chilly in there, so I zip up my sweater. I walk though the house, when all of the sudden I hear something coming from the kitchen. I carefully motion towards it, when a huge black squirrel comes darting out. I swear at that moment my heart almost jumped out of my chest. The squirrel runs behind the wardrobe and a puff of dust comes out from it. I always hated the fact of how my parents decided to buy this house, but now I'm actually sort of glad they did. I shake my head and walk away from the kitchen. I then walk down the hallway towards what I came for in the first place. His basement.
I slide the key off from the light next to the door and open it. By "it" I mean the door.
 I'm going to be quite honest here, I was terrified to go into his basement. My parents never re-did the house or gave away any of my grandpa's stuff, so as you may have guessed, the numbers were still engraved in the basement walls. I make my way down all the stairs and fumble around in my pocket for my phone to use as a flash light. I manage to find it and turn it on, and the whole basement now has a dim glow. It may be faint, but it's better than wandering around in a dead man's basement with no light at all.
I make my way through the basement, trying to not look at the walls. I hear something hit the ground. It was probably just the squirrel, I think.
 I ignore it and keep on searching for something to look through, for some type of information, but I can't seem to come across anything. I become frustrated and rub my T-zone with my finger tips.
I came here to find something, so that's exactly what I'm going to do, I think to myself.
So I keep looking. Just when I'm almost certain there's nothing useful down there, I see a thin three drawer filing cabinet tucked under a saw horse. I pull it out, rub my hands together, and open up the first drawer. Nothing. I open up the second drawer. Again, nothing. I cross my fingers and open up the third drawer. I shine my flash light in a see a rectangular piece of metal lying in the back of the drawer. I pull it out. It's a USB stick. I smile and decide that this is the reason why I came down here. Thank you, fate. I jog towards the stairs, still amazed at my discovery. I was expecting to find nothing, to be honest. I shine my flash light on the stick and see some sort of writing on the side. I move it closer towards my light and see a reflection on the metal of the stick. I hold my breath and look behind me.
"Who the-" I start.
It then goes black.