Wednesday, 2 September 2015

How's life at Vance?

Things at St. James have got off to a smooth start, except that our photocopier has been broken for 8 days and the power went out first thing yesterday!
I hope your transition to intermediate is smooth. I know you all will do well.


  1. Hi Mr.Purdon! Everything is going pretty well at Vance so far. Everyone really misses you and St.James! But everything at Vance is really cool. The lockers and rotating classes are interesting. But, it's not the same as St.James. Ira says hi. We can't wait to see you in Juin! :)

  2. Life is great! But I still really miss St James and our old class. I miss getting to share movies with St James and our class! But life is pretty good. I hope your class is just as awesome as we were! Lol. All smiles!!😊

  3. It's pretty awesome here! But I still miss St. James... :( It's hard trying to be funny and weird without people looking at you like you're an alien! xD Hope all goes well over there and you have a great time with the kids in Gr. 6! I know that everyone misses you, it's weird having a new teacher(s)... But it's cool here and I hope I will adjust to it more! I already made my locker a little house...! Hope you have an amazing day (or night, depending when you're reading this) and I might see you soon! Okie dokie, bye for now! :)

  4. Everything's going really well at Vance so far... We have a a gym, science, music, French, and "homeroom" teacher and they're all really nice. I can't wait to see you and your new grade 6's when you come for the tour in June. Best of luck with your new class!

  5. Hello, Mr.Purdon, this Maria and Ervin. We are here to tell that everything is going great here at Vance Chapman. Elyse says "hi." We are also here to tell you that we miss St. James. We also wanted to tell you that we are now playing the instruments! Me and Ervin plays the clarinet. And Keira plays the tenor saxophone. Me, Ervin, Keira, Josh, Zak, Connor, Jayvis, Cheryl, Miigwan, and Eylse are in 7B with Mr. Pennycook. While the rest of the class is in 7A with Mrs. Dubeau Or I thing that's how you spell her name. Some of us moved away :( Like Logan, Lennox, Muftuh, Sadie, Blade, Cadence, and Autumn. Mr. Pennycook is a fun teacher! Like you :)
    We met a lot of fun, nice people here at Vance Chapman. :) Mr. Pennycook (Mr. Pc) reminds us about you! It like having you as a teacher again! :)
    We have a lot of teachers that teach about everything we need to know, like a : Health/ art teacher, Media, gym, music, and Science. We go to different classes for them!! :)
    Its different without you as a teacher.
    See you in June with your new class of 2015/2016 for the tour of Vance Chapman!!! See you next year! :)
