Saturday, 2 May 2015

Tragedy- Part Two

"That'll be $14.65," Says the cab driver.
I willingly hand over the money and walk out of the taxi. I do have my own car, but it's in the shop due to some problems with the motor. The cool fall breeze carries the sounds of cars and chatter through the air. This may be a small town, but there sure is a lot of noise. I walk up the paved walkway, walk up the stairs, and grab my grandfathers house key from out of my pocket. I unlock the door, and walk in.
It's chilly in there, so I zip up my sweater. I walk though the house, when all of the sudden I hear something coming from the kitchen. I carefully motion towards it, when a huge black squirrel comes darting out. I swear at that moment my heart almost jumped out of my chest. The squirrel runs behind the wardrobe and a puff of dust comes out from it. I always hated the fact of how my parents decided to buy this house, but now I'm actually sort of glad they did. I shake my head and walk away from the kitchen. I then walk down the hallway towards what I came for in the first place. His basement.
I slide the key off from the light next to the door and open it. By "it" I mean the door.
 I'm going to be quite honest here, I was terrified to go into his basement. My parents never re-did the house or gave away any of my grandpa's stuff, so as you may have guessed, the numbers were still engraved in the basement walls. I make my way down all the stairs and fumble around in my pocket for my phone to use as a flash light. I manage to find it and turn it on, and the whole basement now has a dim glow. It may be faint, but it's better than wandering around in a dead man's basement with no light at all.
I make my way through the basement, trying to not look at the walls. I hear something hit the ground. It was probably just the squirrel, I think.
 I ignore it and keep on searching for something to look through, for some type of information, but I can't seem to come across anything. I become frustrated and rub my T-zone with my finger tips.
I came here to find something, so that's exactly what I'm going to do, I think to myself.
So I keep looking. Just when I'm almost certain there's nothing useful down there, I see a thin three drawer filing cabinet tucked under a saw horse. I pull it out, rub my hands together, and open up the first drawer. Nothing. I open up the second drawer. Again, nothing. I cross my fingers and open up the third drawer. I shine my flash light in a see a rectangular piece of metal lying in the back of the drawer. I pull it out. It's a USB stick. I smile and decide that this is the reason why I came down here. Thank you, fate. I jog towards the stairs, still amazed at my discovery. I was expecting to find nothing, to be honest. I shine my flash light on the stick and see some sort of writing on the side. I move it closer towards my light and see a reflection on the metal of the stick. I hold my breath and look behind me.
"Who the-" I start.
It then goes black.