Tuesday, 31 March 2015

hay guys I kneed help with a profile pic HELP!

Friday, 27 March 2015

The nightmare

Stress and excitement. The two words that top the others of what I'm feeling. Scared and relaxed, happy and sad. Shall I go on? The bright sun making the dew covered grass glisten for miles, the cooling wind feeling like a ghost had ran right through you as your hair flays up into the air covering every inch of your face. The sun scanning your body with it rays as the as the heat felt like a campfire on a low-temperature threatening to blister your skin if you get to close. A choir of chickadees chirping above my head in the lavender lilac tree with its beautiful chirping sounding like whistles in the wind. The May after noon was exquisite with its perfect temperature, no snow, no clouds, just sun and green grass, how beautiful it all was. As my mother and I entered the glass doors into the crimson building, we were greeted with mirth and blissful cheers. As we were standing in front of the door, a young man greeted us with his pearl like smile. His light blue eyes and his tall, slender body made him look like he was in his early twenties; he nicely picked up our black luggage and escorted us to our large, auburn coloured room. As we entered the room, somehow I went from my blue t-shirt and black tights, to my floral print dress with my coral, yellow, and mint green flowers. I then somehow appeared in a rosy room with a red carpet and a black stage. Gorgeous and handsome women and men in different outfits that we purple walked down the large runway with lights directed on them. White, petite rose petals covering the runway and was slowly sprinkling onto the floor in little crushed pieces from models stepping on them. Then, everything froze. All I saw was blue and white no matter where I turned, I had lost my vision. Heat rushed through my body, I was trying to scream but I then realized, I had no voice. Tears stung my face like a dagger stabbing through my cheeks. I was searching for something to grab onto but all I felt was a dry, crusty, metal item with sharp edges, sharp enough that if you lay a finger on it, you might as well be running a knife through the tip of your finger. My finger nail scratched on it as I heard screeches sounding like screams, as loud as human screams. Time moved quickly and fright rushed through me, my eyes opened, and I noticed it wasn't real, I found myself back at home, in my soft, blue bed. It was as I was in a nightmare, it was just a nightmare.

Minecraft minigames (PC Edition)

Here are some minigames that you can download for Minecraft PC, even though I don't play on the PC.
*Splegg is a version of Spleef where you destroy snow beneath the feet of your opponents to make them fall in the lava below. In Splegg, you get a tool. If you right-click with it in your hand, it will shoot out eggs and THAT destroys the ground. There also special pads where if you go into them you get launched out of trouble, or into trouble.
*Hide N Seek is a very fun game. In it you get disguised as a block and you have to find a decent hiding spot before the seeker is released. The seekers are in full iron with a diamond sword. Halfway through the game, hiders get wooden swords with knockback. The seekers have to try to kill the hiders, so if you get killed, you become a seeker.
*Hot Potato is another favorite. Someone has the hot potato at the beggining(possibly even you) and you can identify the one who has it because they have a TNT block on their head, plus particles. You have to try to pass the potato on to someone else before it explodes. If the potato explodes when you have it, you're out of the game.
These games are the ones I really like the best.

The Inevitable situation. Part One. By:Keira.

  5, 4, 3, 2, 1, liftoff. The airplane shoots into the sky. I stare at the window at the shrinking town. It looks exactly like those little, detailed model towns. I guess I should introduce myself. My name is Wyatt Collins. I'm 23 years old and I graduated from university already. I'm currently working as an aerospace engineer. I have to preform engineering duties in designing, constructing, and testing things like aircrafts and spacecrafts. It requires a lot of Leadership and critical decision making. I was born in Thunder Bay, Canada. I'm Moving to Toronto for work. Now to describe myself. I have short, brown hair and light, peachy skin. I  also have dark blue eyes. I tend to wear rock band tee-shirts, like Pearl Jam and Greenday. I also wear a lot of black jeans. I've always been smart, kind, and curious.
  So, now you know me. What next? Hmm. Well, the kid sitting behind me is repetitively kicking my seat, for starters. Thud, thud, thud, thud. I mean, I know that kids do this sort of thing, but, it's just... Annoying. That's all. It's a lot noisier on a plane when you're flying on a plane alone. I hear so many voices. All sorts of accents. Some voices almost sound... Well, robotic. Whatever. It's a lonely flight. Not an enjoyable 2 hours.
  My flight lands with a rumble. I love flying in the summer. Clear sky's and sunshine for the whole flight. Ha. That sounded so cheesy. Sorry, just. Whatever. After I get all my luggage and wait in line for a cab. The ride to the apartment is quiet. Which is okay. I've never really been a social person. I mean, I've had friends and all, but, you know.
  I get to my new apartment. It's depressing. Dark shadows are cast over the shattered buildings. The road is as moist as a rain forest the minute after the storm ends. A cold, sharp, unforgiving wind slaps me in the face. Litter lies on the ground, occasionally being blown away by wind.  Shattered windows, chipped walls. It's depressing. I tip the cab driver and walk to my sad, little apartment.
  The inside of my apartment isn't much better. The walls are gray, and the wall paper is chipping away. The floor is gray cement, and the room is rather small. There are only three small rooms in this place, and one of the rooms is a compound of the kitchen, living room, and dining room. It smells like cement and car exhaust. A train Passes by every hour, every day. This place is really sad.
  Two days after I arrive I go to work,(I needed the two days to get settled in.) It's pretty good, for the most part. I do my usual roles. But on my third day of work, something changes. I'm just doing my regular jobs, when all of the sudden, I hear it.
  A terrified, high pitched scream. I swear, it is the most horrible thing that I have ever heard.


We halted to a stop as I looked in the deep, dark water, I noticed that there was something shiny in the water. I cast my sharp hook in the water. I was a little disappointed when I found out that my shiny hook hadn't found its way into a fish's mouth. All of a sudden, my dad and I heard a loud BOOM, I would've sworn it shook our canoe. We looked up and saw lights as bright as stars taking over the night sky, tomorrow was Canada Day after all, so that was why they were playing with fireworks. The sparkling lights then stopped and we heard cheers throughout the lake, but it wasn't over yet. 


As you bring yourself into a dark, silent, empty room, you flick on the lights and take your place. There is a bone chilling, crisp draft that crawls over you as your arms gently fall away from your body. You then point your toes and let the melody guide you along. As you then step out, you take a turn and your ankles crack and pop, and you hear the screeching sound of your feet against the gently waxed floor. Sweat trickles down the sides of your face and as you jump to take a leap, you begin to feel weightless for no more than half a second. The thud of your body as your muscles twist, knot and turn is the reflection you see as you peer at your reflection briefly in the window as you move along. Every breath you take feels like a thousand needles stabbing your chest, but you ignore the intense pain. A deep sense of emotion reaches over you body as you take a finish. Everything you've just expressed has become a reality.

Sylvia B.

New Minecraft Minigames

I am making some new minecraft minigames and roller coasters for my world. Here are some of the new minigames I am making in my world.Dropper Rainbow edition,Ride through a rainbow,Sky island,etc. All of these minigames and roller coasters i will finish hopefully by the end of school.:)

City Update (Minecraft)

Not much has been done because I just posted an update yesterday. I made a street in behind Empire Avenue called Secord Street, not because it is the street I live on, it is because the name sounds a bit good. Its also one way so you can only go towards east on the street. Streets that branch off of it are Strand Avenue, Machar Avenue, and Wayne Street. City Road, Victoria Avenue, and Kirkpatrick Avenue go through Secord Street and change names when they hit Empire Avenue. Mary Street continues even after it meets Empire.

My Epicly Awesome Backyard!

My dog dashes through the yard, jumping off the wooden fences like a spring. He has the energy of a thousand bolts of lightning. His slick, black fur blows through the warm, summer breeze. His crystal blue eyes fill with the joy of a gleeful, newborn child, as he throws the deflated, baby blue ball around the yard. The air is warm and crisp, and all you can smell is the fresh cut grass. You stare at the endless afternoon sky, as deep as the Atlantic Ocean. The sun beats on your skin, spreading the warmth of 100 campfires throughout your body. Your feet lie bare on the moist, green grass, as you stand underneath the tall, leafy tree that provides you shade. Warm wind gently blows in your direction, as gusts of wind sail through the wind, like a boat in the ocean on a beautiful day at sea. The brass chimes that hang from the tree start making mellow music, as your dog, Sully, runs up to you, begging you to throw the stick. Your three-year-old neighbor giggles with delight, his voice filled with joy. You smile to yourself. This is an amazing moment. You don't want this truly epic moment to ever pass.

I went to a car show

I went to a humongous car show on the March break. There was a lot of old car’s were Ford, Chevrolet, GMC, dodge. And it was super loud the car’s look cool because the people who rebuild the cars and they put a lot of time in the cars and they were really shiny and nice. Three rooms were full of new cars and old cars. There was a stand were kids were building models cars and rc racing they were fast and it was cool and It smelled like pepperoni pizza, popcorn and a lot of people at the car show And there was old trucks, rebuilt trucks, new trucks and I had a lot of fun and it was cool and the colour were red, blue, green, purple

Thursday, 26 March 2015

Minecraft City update

My new Minecraft City update is finally here! My neighborhood is finished, I built a fort like Fort William with a train ride, and I built some more streets! I built a second shopping mall, a hardware store (every city needs one),and a parkway called Empire Avenue. It has birch planks and birch stairs as the fences on each side, a recreation trail achieved using gray wool and redstone dust as the sidewalk (only on one side), and streetlights on only one side because it is nicer that way. I'm working on this private property called Grandin Village. I'm gonna be doing that before I do the main thing - building more houses!

Awesome C.L.E. | 2014

One event that me and my relatives did was go to the C.L.E.. The C.L.E. has lots of rides, games, and food. It sounds like a lot of people screaming on the rides and a lot of talking. It smells like hamburgers, hot dogs, french fries, and soda. It also feels like it is the opposite of doing nothing all day long, playing video games, and being a couch potato. One such activity was MardiGras. Me, my Aunt, my Uncle, and my younger cousin went inside. There were all these mirrors everywhere and we had to try to find our way out of that area. The mirrors act like walls so when you see a path, you will end up bonking your face against a mirror thinking it is a longer path! Fortunately, I did this the year before, so I kinda knew where to go. I also followed the floor by looking which way you could go. I ended up walking into mirrors, but it still helped. We eventually found the spiral stairs to the next thing. Up there were these funny mirrors. We looked into them and we were surprised. The mirrors sure made us look different. They made us look like people who ate too much hamburgers, kinda like the cameras with those effects to make you look like you have a strange body! After that there was a red and yellow spiral slide. It was short because it was just going to the ground from a second story of a building. My uUncle was holding my cousin in his arms. At the bottom he tried to escape, but he slipped and bonked his head on the side of the slide. It turns out he was fine. As we walked away I felt a slight breeze of the wind touch my arms and legs. It was a beautiful day.

Wednesday, 25 March 2015

My Sunroom?

This is my favourite room. My sunroom. The warm sun shines in during the winter months making you forget about the cold outside. I read with Sam sitting beside me on the couch, losing ourselves in the world of Harry Potter. It's like Dementors hover around the room, looking to suck the pleasure out of life. The sun makes me feel sleepy and I want to take a nap, but I know Sam won't go for that! Suddenly, Sam yells, "Dad, a deer!" I sit up and take a look through the wall of windows facing the yard, and sure enough a large 12 pointer is staring at us from a few meters away. He was probably attracted by the bird seed, but now he is spooked and blows a warning snort which mists the cold outside air. Then he bounds off through the trees, having seen enough. As Sam continues to stare out the window, I notice the Star Wars Lego mini-figures that he has set up in an epic battle across the dark hardwood floor. The peaceful, relaxing sun-room has become a playroom where battles are won and lost with Star Wars figures that rarely resemble their true selves. Yoda is half Darth Vader, Mace Windu has a pilots helmet on, and many clone troopers are part droid. "Dad, are you going to read more?", Sam asks, pulling me out of my reverie. As I return to the world of wizards I wonder when this is going to be my room again.

Friday, 13 March 2015

For whatever reason Edmonton sadly lost its population of 1 000 000. It is now just above 800 000.

March break

How will you spend your March break? Are you doing anything interesting?

Wednesday, 11 March 2015

Keep this in mind

While in Edmonton, if you do go there, go to the West Edmonton Mall. Its Canada's largest shopping center with over 700 shops! If you do go there, go to Galaxyland which is on the upper right in this dome on google earth. When you go to Edmonton, you won't confuse the streets, the streets will confuse you! There will be several of the same numbered street. That's right, their numbered. The avenues go from east to west, with the streets going north to south. Sometimes when a street turns, lets say 69 ave, it becomes a street, lets say 178 st. Its very confusing, so keep that in mind.
My other favorite youtuber is TheDiamondMinecart.

Minecraft City

I'm working on a city in Minecraft. It has a big" PLANET MINECRAFT" sign. It is still unfinished. I'm almost done half of the city, but the size of it depends on how much I get done by the last day of school so I can show it to you guys with a video. It has high-rises from Calgary, as well as the CN Tower, Scotia Plaza, and Hotel MacDonald in Edmonton. The structures from Calgary are the Calgary Tower and Suncor Energy Center West. I was gonna make The Bow, but it would be too hard. If you have ever seen it, you'll know what i'm talking about.the city, now named 'Minecraft City" also has black streetlights. I did that using Nether Brick. I built my new house in that area, near Old Downtown. There are those green Downtown Edmonton traffic lights. If you have seen them, you'll know what i'm talking about. I also have two one-way streets. I also made my own national park, Planet Minecraft National Park, as well as an amusement park with a ride where you ride in a Minecart going in a spiral upwards. At the top of the ride you then come down on the same rail. Of course I made an original roller coaster. The city, of course, has a few houses and apartments. I haven't made a condo yet, but I plan on doing so in the future. It also has a beach with a diving board.

Meanwhile I will be building a roller coaster in one of my other worlds.

Friday, 6 March 2015

The Life of a Gymnast: By Sylvia

One word. Effort. To be a gymnast, you have to really want to be one. You can't slack off, you can sit down or rest all that often, Being a gymnast requires focus, strength, power, and most of all, dedication. I've dedicated a part of me to the sport and it can't be taken back. There's always pain involved in the sport. One day my wrists might hurt, or my ankles will hurt, but you have to put up with pain. That's what I mean by dedication. It takes many years to get good at gymnastics but it all depends on how hard you work for it. I've been in gymnastics for roughly six months and I'll be going into pre-competitive classes during the fall. It all depends on how much you want to be a gymnast.It requires lots of conditioning. Push-ups, suicides, rope, sit-ups and a lot more. I think the hardest part about gymnastics is the flexibility because its really painful sometimes. Just adapting to it takes a long time along with everything else. The scariest skill in gymnastics is the back tuck ( no handed back flip.) It is really terrifying because I on my neck once and I just couldn't seem to stick it. One day I will.....

To be continued....  

Thursday, 5 March 2015

Toronto Maple Leafs

They are my favorite hockey team, but they haven't been winning lately.
Pretty sure their not going to make it to the playoffs, but I still like that team.
Maybe one day, they'll get better. :(

Wednesday, 4 March 2015

The Frozen Planet. A one Parter. By:Keira

  The cold sun beats down on this... This... This strange planet. It's not earth, it's some alien planet. The ground is purple. dark purple. But the sun, the sun is- is- is blue. A cold, icy coulor of blue. There is a silver, frozen lake a couple feet away. It's freezing out here. You can only smell the cold, damp air. This planet is dead. No life. None at all. Most people would find this place lonely and depressing, but I love it. I really do. It's beautiful.
  My name is Jennifer. I have straight, silky, soft, long brown hair. My skin is pale. I have dark, piercing, green eyes. You would notice them from a mile away. My teeth are white and well cared for. It's not like I cared about how I look, it's just that, well, I've always valued dental high gene. I'm tall and thin. I have almond shaped eyes. I have a small, button nose, and full lips. Not thin, not thick, just full. I have a small, round chin. My hair is thick and falls over my face. I wear blue jeans, a white tank-top, and a black leather jacket. I'm clever, active, and brave, or selfless. Both of those are really similar. How's that for a description?
  "Hello?" I shout, desperately,  into the depths of the abandoned, dead planet. "Can anybody help me? Please..."
  Nobody. I'm alone. It's so cold. The only thing that I'm wearing to keep me warm is a thin, leather jacket. Brr. I. Need. Help. I'm going to freeze to death very soon. Ugh. How did this even happen? The last thing I remember is sitting at a coffee house, writing a story on my laptop. It was so warm. I was so warm. Now I'm freezing. Sigh. I don't know what to do. Where to go. I collapse to the ground. So. Very. Cold.  Then I hear a noise.
"Hello?" I ask, desperate for help. But all I hear is a low, loud, vicious, grumble. But it wasn't me. "Who's there?" Another frightening grumble. "Okay. You got me, I'm scarred. You can stop it now!" I say, preparing myself to run.
  Then, I see it. The scariest thing that I have ever seen. A pair of deadly, glowing red eyes glare at me from inside a nearby cave. I start dashing towards a mountain. I run faster than I have ever ran in my life. I know that the creature is chasing after me. So, I slightly turn my head to get a good look at this alien life form. Wow. It's frightening... but beautiful. It's not as big as I thought. It's just a little bit
bigger than a large dog. It's eyes looked red under the cage, but now they look... like a type of neon purple. It has a mixture of brown and purple fur, and has large, but very separated, spikes down it's back. The spikes match the coulor of his fur-like body. His eyes are wide, 360 degree, circles. Not like the types of eyes you would see on earth. His nose is an upwards triangle, with only one, circular nostril. He has the body shape of a dog.
  "Rezo!" Shouts some life form that I cannot see. As soon as the creature hears this, it stops chasing me.
  That's when I see them. Well, there was only one of them. But were an alien. Beautiful, pale blue skin and majestic, dark blue hair. Her eyes are wide like the other alien. But not as wide. She also has the same nose, but hers is a bit rounder. Other than that, she looks human. She wears a white, silk like blouse, and a silky, black skirt. I don't know how she survives in this weather.
She starts muttering some sort of foreign language, pauses, and puts on some high-tech necklace.
"Hello. I'm Zazo. You're probably confused"Starts Zazo. "Follow me. I'll show some more people from your planet.
I walk with Zazo, hoping to get back home... Please.
The end.

Monday, 2 March 2015

Year-round school

I wonder what will happen.
There are lots still arguing about year-round school.
I think its a good thing.
But I'm just wondering if their going to keep it the way it is or change it.
Its a big decision.
I guess I'll just have to wait and find out.